
That’s not how shaders work though. The process generally looks like: bind shader -> issue drawing commands -> repeat until everything is drawn. There’s no bind shader to a specified area. The graphics hardware doesn’t even have a concept of area, that’s all vector-matrix calculus to transform coordinates relative to

Now that is some justice!

Now playing

Man, I can’t wait for the highlight reel of amazing moments from this game! Was just watching this one again when I decided to check in to Kotaku, haha

Hi, welcome to Deadspin dot com. We are a sports website.

I had no difficulty completing Sonic Mania. This is not my first rodeo. I grew up with a Genesis because I wanted to one up my NES-owning friend down the street. Sonic has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Here’s a picture of the Sonic action figure I found at my parents’ house the other day. I

Well obviously you aren’t going to need a jacket up on that fucking cross you’ve put yourself on, hoss.

You can’t copyright gameplay mechanics ... doesn’t matter how similar one game is to another as long as the IP’s don’t match they can almost identical gameplay so long as they dont share code or characters. Legally nothing nintendo can do.

“Running is the easier, lazier way to play QB.”

That would be right if the comic was talking about cutting crops but it’s not. The comic shows Shovel knight claiming that using a scythe to DIG is wrong. Scythes are not good for digging.

“I don’t feel a compelling urge to buy a second Amiibo” 

My personal theory is that he does it to fuck with people.

His filmography is pretty hit and miss!

My opinion: I think that Shovel Knight came out when the market for retro and pixel art games was already saturated, but the game was good so it found an audience anyway.

I think some of this is regression to the mean. They lost to Afreeca early on and looked vulnerable, then got the ship turned around. Also they had a couple close matches before the (lame) Rivals break, and they came back from that break looking tired and disinterested and unhappy. They were probably not as good as

I’m not into “costumed play”, I’m into costumed business!

This is Evo weekend. Of course there’s going to be more eSports coverage than usual.

A lot of commenters have suggested that in previous articles. A thick skin is necessary for online gaming, don’t get me wrong, but these commenters fail to understand that harassment in games is a reflection of a real-life culture that pays women less in the workplace, resists healthcare coverage of birth control (but

Personally, I’m rooting for the lighting rig to fall.

Friendly remind that it is in fact, Mahvel baybee.