The best video game movies are the ones that aren’t trying to be video game movies. Edge of Tomorrow is the perfect example. It helps that it was adapting an absolutely stellar manga.
The best video game movies are the ones that aren’t trying to be video game movies. Edge of Tomorrow is the perfect example. It helps that it was adapting an absolutely stellar manga.
Kinda reminds me of the numbers round in Countdown, especially seeing as how the numbers go all the way up to three digits. I imagine there’s a nice tradeoff between trying to calculate an equation with less terms versus moving fast and snatching up numbers and operators before your opponent.
I think it has more to do with the fact that she’s still a good card even when you don’t pour those resources into her, and with no real demerits, a lot of people just run her in every deck because why not. It’s overused rather than overpowered.
Big agree on Heimdall. So many times my opponent will snap early, only for me to immediately snap back because I’m playing the long game. Really though, if you see me buffing the hell out of Multiple Man and laying down Vulture and Kraven, you only have yourself to blame for not seeing the Heimdaddy coming turn six.
Out of all those webtoon apps, I haven’t seen any that split individual chapters up though... maybe I’ve been lucky. Either way this seems like the literal worst case scenario - small daily limits, aggressive refresh cycles, needless complexity, and a subpar product to boot.
Oh man 2:52 is exactly the sort of thing you would hear in a 2 Mello track. I’m diggin’ it.
It’s a nigh-impossible task to fill Miura’s shoes, but if anyone deserves the chance it’s Mori. Knowing the rough outline for how the rest of the story was supposed to go is good, but also more or less a prerequisite. But his close friendship with Miura should give him a good idea of how Miura would have told it. And…
I don’t think anyone who read this article is rushing to the app store to download a shameless clone that was panned and derided by not only the people quoted in the article, but by the author of the article itself. If anything, it might inspire some people to play the original instead.
Evan Narcisse was always one of my favorite writers here. His piece about black hair and video games is still one of the best pieces of writing on Kotaku (and that’s not for want of competition). Dot’s Home looks great, can’t wait to check it out.
There’s already a thread about it, of course.
This. Also, live action films having drab color palettes is hardly something new - most modern cinematography is just plain boring to look at. Think back to Mad Max: Fury Road and how everyone lost their shit over the super saturated colors in those scenes. You can definitely make these scenes more vibrant without…
Yeah, I feel like that’s the angle a lot of commenters are missing. I don’t think Sakurai’s biggest strength is his direct contributions to the project, although they are probably sizeable; I’m not even convinced it’s his creative vision (were Spirits/World of Light and whatever happened in Smash 4 really necessary?)
Unpopular opinion: I actually really like the additions and changes coming with OW2 and I would have been willing to pay full price for it and treat it like an expensive (but fair) DLC...
Hey look, they even managed to capture how the game crashes sometimes when you try to speedrun and sequence break it.
Right on that, and I loved John Wick, so if this show captures even a third of that energy it might be worth the time.
You could say the same thing about American superhero movies and TV shows, especially the early ones where the costume designs were a lot more comic-inspired... yet I don’t see anyone questioning what the point of the MCU is. Clearly, there’s a chance to make big money with live action adaptations.
The typo is in the original complaint. I didn’t notice it myself until you pointed it out.
Apparently the DFEH already tried to settle this internally with Activision but were rejected. Given Activision’s response, it doesn’t sound like they’re going to concede anything. Maybe they’ll change tracks if pressure from the public is strong enough, but for the time being this looks like it will go to court,…