We are kindred. If the hype train goes down in flames I will be at the helm. CHOO CHOO motherfu*kers.
Glad you asked! You have 2 ways to go about this. One is to just play the games. There’s some background information that’s handy to know about theprevious games but it’s not critical to playing and enjoying DAI.
You could go to dragonagekeep.com. It’s a website BioWare built for folks who want to import decisions…
I’m the weird person who loves DA:I passionately and have played it like 4 times through. I know I’m setting myself up for Andromeda level disappointment but I can’t help it. I’m hyped.
*puts this in her blog topic rolodex to bust out as we get closer to DA4*
*plugs fingers in ears* nope Ican’t hear you lalalalLALALALALA
Would gladly read a “Dragon Age: The Story So Far” article from you!
*checks watch* how much time you got because I will gladly give you the rundown.
Then why play the game?
EA really desperate to nickel and dime everything from the licence before Disney cut them off finally.
I can’t wait to put Kylo Ren in a pool and take away the ladder!
It’s more about the trend than any specific example, that too often writers (namely ones writing about groups they aren’t a member of) can’t help but indulge a little too intensely in the misery and pain and death of their oppressed characters. “Misery porn.” You can say “yeah everybody gets fricked up in this game…
Ain’t nothin’ but a heartache.
I just wanted to say thanks for this article, and thanks providing links about the games history.
I wanted a PC just to play this game when I was like 14. I couldn’t wait to grow up and get a credit card so I could play this game. By the time I got a PC and CC, it had shut down. lol
and then the 99 percent of viewers who never even heard of The Matrix Online look around going “What?!”
that sucks, because (as far as I know), Fishbourne was all in for The Matrix since day one, and putting a half-forgotten MMO over that seems disrespectful.
Major spoilers for The Lodge, which is pretty decent and went right under the radar with the pandemic.
Let the Right One In was very well done, the kind of movie that afterward you aren’t even sure what you should be most disturbed by about it
Inside is one of the pinnacles of the French New Wave. If you’re familiar with other films in that category you know what you’re in for.