
Wait, Mad Men? The Sopranos? I thought we were talking about situation comedies.

But Girls is?

Lars Von Trier shot-for-shot remake of Mac and Me

This just feels like the right time to drop in on House of Cosbys.

I loved this movie. Saw it with my 4-year-old son and I must say, so many parts of the movie reinforced themes and ideas that we talk about all the time. Gorgeous, funny, entertaining movie for grown-ups, exponentially better for kids, especially those already interested in science and engineering.

Never gets old.

Interesting (to me at least) thought: So, Key & Peele make excellent use of Obama, but is that mostly because they take him to places a predominantly
white show doesn't feel comfortable with? Or is it just the writing? Or does SNL, as a cultural touchstone and network broadcast, feel a responsibility to Obama not to

I think most of it has to do with targeting a younger, decreasingly-politically-involved demographic. Most network TV is about chasing numbers, even if those numbers reflect YouTube views or content related #hashtags.

"weaponize them."

I really love this feature; a great series of insights. Thanks Cameron!

Ok first off, I can't see any of my replies so it seems as though I've been attempting to repost for no reason. My first one should have sufficed.

Fuck that. "People please don't poison other people so as to rape them?"

Fuck that. "People please don't poison other people so as to rape them?"

What? I don't agree with that AT ALL and its OBVIOUSLY not the woman's fault. And do you SERIOUSLY think advising one of these motherfucking scumbags to just "please don't drug people" is the answer?

I am by no means a tough guy or a fighter, and I realize guys blow smoke about this kind of stuff all the time, but I'm genuinely afraid of what I would do to someone I caught drugging a drink.

There was an article about date-rape drugs recently in (I believe) New York Magazine. The big takeaway is that this shit happens ALL THE TIME. While I live in NYC, I'm a married homebody so I don't know what goes on out there, but there was one (among many) disturbing story where someone was drugged, and a friend

Oh all KINDS of stupid stuff. We good like that.

Wow. Why so much hostility here?

Dear Sony,

Let's hope for the best (that the show is given time to breathe and grow.) Like it says in the article, there are plenty of shows, some all-timers, that need to get their feet under them before hitting their stride.