So a video game version of what Michael Vick is known for
So a video game version of what Michael Vick is known for
“Yet it’s not so thought-consuming that I can’t watch The Great British Baking Show while I play (hence my saccharine naming system).”
Its like dog or cock fighting, but cuter!
annoying you for YEARS at a time is my long game. it makes the occasional lols that much more dynamic
See, that’s where you’re wrong, though.
DMC1 was knowingly goofy as fuck, but played everything straight. DMC2 amped up the goofy and added two big ol’ scoop of John Woo-style action nonsense. While DMC3 dropped all pretenses and just ran with how big and loud and stupid and fun everything was. I didn’t play much of DMC…
I hope it’s a cheese fest. DMC works best when the cheese is cut sharp.
To even suggest the game content was bad makes me wonder if you even played through it. You could remove all of the cgi cutscenes and it would still be an amazing game.
Oh good, the edgy guy from forums in 1999 is here.
I hate the graphics of FFVII. I hated them when the game first came out and I look forward to a more realistic style.
And then for that director to leave in a dubious resigning.
Boy, I can’t wait for a different, less prestigious SE director to finish making this for him in ten years
My guess is that we’ll see the remake sometime around 2020/2021—and that legions of fans will cry out at every little change made from the original PSX release, because by god, they wanted a remake, but they wanted an experience that reminds them of the experience their rose-colored nostalgia goggles tells them they…
Viner had lost a reported $1.50 on a bet
Doesn’t the updated box allow HDR passthrough? I know the original one didn’t and I couldn’t imagine needing to hook-up and unhook-up PSVR each time you used it.
I was gonna say... he got shot in Mt. View but they took him all the way down to San Diego to get treated?
My condolences to this sailor’s family and friends.
the most disturbing part of that picture is the baby monitor
Can’t deny that.
I never know what percentage to tip.