
I can't hear it at work...is it in Singlish? Because I'm reading it like that...and it's awesome, as Singlish usually is.

Here's my attempted example:

At first I was wondering what the fuss was, as I'd seen papers years ago talking about making stem cells develop into heart muscle cells.

I'd think the problem would more be the tectonic plates' movements destroying such a long elevator shaft that would be relatively thin compared to its length, or the whole "molten core" thing being pretty hard to drill through.

That's pretty true; the re-synthesis is almost a type of story in and of itself.

No, the problem is NOT the mere speech and people being offended. People are angry because he's donating to anti-gay-marriage causes.

I just don't understand why the fear of men is an issue to you when we're talking about rape culture, even as a fellow man. If they're scared of men...that's really not nearly the worst part about all this, and changing that fear in isolation seems like we're getting ahead of ourselves.

Why push your belief that some men are magically infallible? Why is that so important?

So, you're not victim-blaming, you're just sympathizing with rapists more than their victims, and think it's the victims' faults that some of these guys are now "rapists", and that the solution lies with the victims, not the perpetrators.

Nope, that's silly.

The movie seems interesting story-wise...but these guns are a bit disappointing.

A post in which I rant about how weird/awful these guns look, as well as their underlying logic. You have been warned!

Oh, wow, I totally missed that possibility. Nice!

I concur. The fighting felt very...movie-like. Boxers and martial artists punch far faster. Heck, in a few scenes, Bane magically starts punching MUCH faster, so they were keeping things slow on purpose.

Yeah, there's joy in physical activity, so exercise as leisure (and as a mood booster) makes plenty of sense. I like running barefoot for the pure sensation, I like the views you can get running up into the hills, and doing martial arts is more for fun than practicality (though the practical benefits of all these

I've been interested in eskrima recently, and I think it would make a ton more sense than kendo or western sword-fighting as a basis for lightsaber fights/techniques.

Hehe, I watched a YouTube video to figure that one out (sabre spinning, I think were the terms). It's actually not really difficult compared to how awesome it looked in that scene. It's also kinda hilariously pointless.

I think hipster-ish guilt really only comes into it if you're talking about super mainstream stuff (McDonalds, reality TV), where you feel bad that you're supporting pandering mediocrity instead of more local or more awesome but less popular stuff. As a corollary to this guilt, I feel urges to donate money to or

The pictures make those soldiers look pretty dumb. If you're going to capture him, use a taser or tranquilizer gun. If you're trying to kill him, you don't need to run into "action movie disarming range" to use your freaking rifles.