
But considering that the air around the lava is searing hot as well, it'd be like walking through an oven for quite a distance before you even got to the lava. I mean, if you can pour lava on yourself or get hit by a glob launched in an explosion, sure...but....

Yeah...I was thinking the same thing. Eating yourself to death sounds pretty painful.

Mythbusters recently tested that...you can barely survive a 15 foot drop with enough bubblewrap that you feel like you're being crushed by its sheer weight. Bubble wrap on the floor would have to be stacked nearly as high as the height you're falling to actually decelerate you slowly enough that you're not injured

Extras had a nice end, for all the humiliation Gervais tends to put his characters through. Same with the UK version of The Office; both wrap up their plots neatly in their special finales.

Haha, it'd be awful if Bamco treated it the same way as their Tales series and didn't port it over to the US with any consistency.

Er, Anti-reflective coatings work by refraction index matching or destructive interference. This simply reduces total reflectivity of the surfaces.

We'll definitely see stuff like in the coming years now that Faust isn't heading the show anymore.

Just rewatched that part to check using Amazon Prime: his arrow glows, his eyes flutter, he mumbles Katara's name, both smile and they hug. Doesn't look like an uncertain death...

Didn't season 2 of Airbender end with Aang wounded but alive, with Katara healing him as they fly away?

If you like the gameplay stuff in that but don't necessarily need the JRPG story, I recently got into XCOM (super old game from the 90s, still on Steam, but lots of games based on it are releasing later this year).

Yep, exactly what I was thinking. Just like in real life, explaining things by saying "well, it's magic, it doesn't need to make sense!" is utterly unsatisfying. Same for "mysterious gods" and all sorts of other plot/explanation copouts.

Faster when we're talking about races and distances isn't about top speed. If you don't have the highest average speed, you don't win, duh. That's true at any distance; that's math. Even sprinters don't win by just having the fastest top speed achieved.

Yeah, the barefoot style is much more butt-exerting :P I also have had a bit of upper foot pain and calf pain that I wasn't used to with heel-striking; it just uses such different muscles.

Nice vid! That stuff reminds me a lot of escrima simultaneous block & countering, fakeouts, and angles (though slightly less because sticks can attack at any angle while swords need to worry about proper blade angle).

Yeah, sometimes I wonder if even the Asian martial arts have really retained all that much of their realistic weapon use, even when they do sparring. Kung fu doesn't usually do weapons sparring (or I've only heard of hand-to-hand stuff), and kendo or naginata sparring is pretty far from realistic (kendo stuff looks

As soon as he started talking like an expert in medieval swordfighting, I confirmed my confusion, checked the author and saw it was a guest.

Eeeesh. Going minimalist just for the looks; that'll hurt like heck.

Aww, no mention of minimalist stuff. That makes the chart seem a bit outdated by at least a couple of years.

Lightness is an advantage, but it's not the shortest/lightest guys/gals winning every race.

Nah, you're wrong: women have beaten men in speed contests.