
Amy's legs look really out of proportion; too small, thighs are too short, distance apart looks odd under her torso...just weird.

Hey, lucky me, I only eat the muscle (as far as I know). Scared me for a second there: perfectly cooked squid is so tasty, I'd hate to add horrible fear of my mouth literally exploding with squid sperm to the experience.

Creepier question: What the hell happened to Pepper's toes? The left foot is particularly small, and her right foot isn't much better.

Yeah, the real problem isn't merely misogyny, but our stupid patriarchal culture that wants hyper-masculine men and craps on anyone who doesn't fit into that mold, considering "femininity" a weakness. It screws over men as well as women, though the balance may not be equal, it's easily bad enough overall to say no one

I was under the impression that the "Objects are closer than they appear" is because you're looking at bent light when you're looking in a mirror.

This game is sounding pretty dang awesome, though I usually hate losing characters in games.

Hahah, yeah, "PC-exclusive* content"

Another thing to say soon after that is: "does it?"

Or, you know, it doesn't. Try googling "sex doesn't sell study". Tons of results, including a fairly recent study (2009) showing that movies with extra nudity don't do better: they do worse. Another study says sexy ads aren't remember more than non-sexy ones from 2005, which means it doesn't help ads to be sexy, which

"I don't see sexism so no one else should either, you guys are jealous/prudes/gay!" is the counterpoint I see being made most often in these threads.

Yeah...showing off models to show how something looks on a body is at least still useful, even if it might create crappy body images for the rest of the populace.

Hey, there were also scenes in Episode 3 of nearly all the Jedi getting killed by small squads of clone troopers, so treachery and blaster fire are a pretty good tool against Jedi.

Fundamentalist Christianity: Pretending the last ~250 years of scientific discoveries and advancements in knowledge never happened, ever since 250 years ago.

Yeah, seems like assault.

Yeah, this guy's a jerk. Charging random strangers, including kids, with apparent intent to harm? What the hell.

Personally, the reason I like Halo above most other FPSs is that Halo doesn't give me motion sickness nearly as fast as most other FPSs, COD included.

Yeah...it's not quite right for a display that's in front of his eyes only. And the glow seems to show up on his face, which makes it seem like it's projecting from his mask...which means he can't really use the parts that are projecting less than an inch from his mouth and cheeks. I made a similar post complaining

Eh, I enjoy the movie, and enjoy dissecting the hilariously bad physics of the movie afterwards too. It's twice the fun for your money!

Haha, but it's still using force fields (which are...not real), and implies way more granularity than shown in the movies (why dissassemble into armor pieces instead of just having these nanobots just form around you?). Is that describing the Extremis armor that fits in his bones or whatever? Wouldn't such an armor
