
During any Iron Man scene, I was more thinking "man, even if your relatively slim suit didn't get destroyed by being bashed around, you have like zero cushioning in there and would get your bones crushed, joints dislocated, and flesh shredded by impacts and accelerations like that, let alone explosive shockwaves

Yeah, I tend to argue against dumb Christian beliefs from within their own structures, but it's more a matter of theological stuff being more familiar to me (gotta put those years of Bible studies to use somehow).

Yeah, I've already seen other pro-evolution/science sites asking 'Wait, why the heck do you think more evidence will do it, Leakey?'

Oooh, he wants to use the Bible to justify his bullshit, does he?

Two words: Time travel.

Soda bottle plastic is kinda thin, what does this realistically protect you from?


Hahah, I think some people might consider Moretsu Pirates a bit pandering. I think the thing it's based on is called "Miniskirt Pirates", so yeah...

6 mm is pretty small caliber, so if the powder load isn't too high, it wouldn't be too hard.

I think you still God way too much benefit of the doubt. If someone said "I made the universe and I am perfect in every way", how would you evaluate that? By assuming the claim is true, or by looking for evidence concerning those claims?

Korra's not in the groove of season 2 or 3 of ATLA, but it's leaps and bounds above season 1 of the original.

I lean towards hell being real because of stuff like Jesus parable of the virgins waiting for the groom or the wedding banquet. God basically says Heaven got opened up to everyone because the Jews failed to heed his invitation, and everyone else will suffer. If heaven is real and eternal, hell seems like it will be

I'm fine with snark..but it just wasn't true. The Bible's prescriptive. Pauls' sexist and homophobic musings were commanding the church to not associate with those people, not praying over it.

Yeah, Charr are surprisingly awesome, and the game was pretty dang addictive. Still, knowing I would lose all the progress at the end of beta was enough to make me play a bit less, so that helped me not lose too much sleep over it :P

The decoupling of the classes from the trinity helps with encouraging experimentation for now, though I'm sure some people will eventually stick to advocating certain builds.

Yeah, I barely said much besides a few thankings for rezzings, but still felt a lot of camaraderie with fellow questers in each area. It's great to feel connected even if you're not particularly talkative; your actions for each other can pretty much only help.

I guess you missed the repel and counter-attack quests that start happening more in the teen levels. Heck, even that farm area has you repel attacking bandits instead of worms depending on event chains.

I played the first GW1 game (no expansions) as my first MMO (well, it was mostly MMO other than tons of instancing), then switched to WoW after. I think I like GW2 a lot more than the first Guild Wars. It really has quite a different feel.

Well, you do win "hearts", but really, they're vendors who are marked on the minimap with hearts that get filled in once they're completed, and are tallied by number of hearts on the map that you've completed.

I heard a lot of the problem was that most of the graphics were still being run through the CPU instead of the GPU.