
I'm just thinking that even churches which preach love, unity, togetherness and community fall apart based on differing beliefs about the love and togetherness.

I'm a little confused...if we were to crowd-source a religion, what exactly are you taking as the foundation? Is it just goodness? Then you've just got secular humanism...unless you actually wanted a supernatural element?

HD systems have longer game production cycles than those older systems, which means that any of the more recent consoles begin with sparse libraries that take a while to build up, unless you're supplementing with games from the previous console generation.

Couldn't you just mess with the focal plane of the HUD, so it's like the info is floating further away even though the lens is close? I'm pretty sure other head-mounted displays already do this; wikipedia calls the technique of making the light seem to converge from further way a manipulation of collimation or distant

The other Tortall books are also pretty good moral stories; I definitely liked the justice and fairness shown by Keladry in the Protector of the Small quartet.

...not sure if serious...

Eh, and if we're able to change aging, I presume maturation would change as well. If we're all staying younger and fitter for longer, we would be more progressive and able to adapt better for longer, leading to less stagnation of ideas. Sure, a new genius might not get born, but we'd keep our old geniuses and idea

If we can digitally alter movie stars to look underfed on magazines, we can probably do it for movies too (like Captain America, for example). Or, go real; Christian Bale in Machinist shows some actors are willing to do it mostly as character/story building. The main cast are over 18 (Peeta's almost 20, Katniss is 22)

Yeah, this is looking like stick-n-stylus Sin & Punishment, though I'm not sure I understand the controls for the grounded portions of the gameplay...

"Diamond" is just the classic double-diamond grips. I know some versions 1911 might not normally have them, though they're easy to acquire.

I was just thinking it'd be cooler to show a retuned MGS3 1911. It does sound a lot more challenging.

Yeah, I even remember seeing gun forum posts discussing how to mod a Beretta to look like the Samurai Edge a year or two back, so it's probably one of many similar mods.

Anime can do dark fantasy (Berserk or Claymore for example)...but yeah, Appleseed's CGI style might be a poor choice within anime styles they could've used.

I didn't watch the first anime, but damn, that looks good.

In the heat, I think that's fairly likely. In the cold or in wet weather, a lot of other animals probably do better. But yeah, our legs are apparently really stringy and springy compared to most animals which implies we're built for long distance efficiency.

In the book, he gets paralyzed, has an out of body experience, then sees Mars in the sky, feels himself being pulled to it, feels himself traveling to it, and immediately believes without question that he's on Mars when he awakens.

Yeah, bipedal running means your stride doesn't interfere with your breathing, unlike quadrapeds who have to choose between catching their breath/cooling down by panting or continuing to run. Add our nakedness/sweating efficiency, and we are better over really long distances than most animals in warm conditions.

I guess you'd know more about LA traffic then, my bad on presuming. I didn't commute much on highways when I was attending college near there, but it always seemed to flow pretty crazy fast on the 405 across all lanes (assuming no stop and go traffic)

On the smell versus taste difference, I always end up thinking about durians, that spiky fruit that smells horrible and yet tastes like fibery pouchs of sweet, fruity butter.

Yeah, I watch different genres of anime. Hence my mentioning shounen, seinen, shoujou...there's probably some josei stuff, but I don't watch much of it.