
I guess banning guns outright solves this, but if we're saying guns are not useful for carrying around as deterrents...that's because we have half-assed gun control that makes law-abiding citizens much more unlikely to be carrying their guns around with them.

I concur. They were way too generous with spacing. In Chrome, the dividers are so faintly light gray that it just looks poorly formatted with ill-defined borders and lots of wasted space.

Sounds like a variation/precursor of the "Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." bit.

I kinda do the same thing...I rant at people whose comments piss me off, then I either tone it back significantly or just delete the comment outright.

If you're willing to defend your own life or those you love, a gun makes perfect sense; it's not a matter of manliness. Not everyone is a physical Adonis with martial arts mastery who can single-handedly beat down any and every other human being or animal that might want to hurt you or someone you love, all without

Yeah, Star Wars feels really incestuous with their character relationships. They have their nuclear family of characters and mostly all they do is interact with each other.

"Created by Batman Returns scribe Jonathan Nolan"

I concluded the same thing: Kindle Touch seems the way to go for e-Ink. If the 5 direction pad on the plain Kindle were more like a proper D-pad on a gaming system, maybe I'd have gone with that, but it looks the same as the Kindle 3's, which was pretty mediocre in my use.

If I recall Dawkin's arguments (I think it was Selfish Gene), another reason we might not have immortality is that genes that screw over/kill old individuals after they've already reproduced just can't be selected against with natural selection.

Yeah, if they were human-like immortals, or with even better memory storage, I'd think the ability to retain more useful knowledge or create biomechanical upgrades might offset genetic adaptations to some degree.

Eh, they probably didn't choose it. The skin-piercing is probably just a mating advantage, kinda like how cat penises are apparently spiked with barbs despite the discomfort that seems to promise to females.

Dude, and it's skin-piercing jizz.

Isn't it "loving your neighbor as yourself, and loving God above everything"? "Loving your neighbor as you would God" is definitely heretical sounding :P

I was focusing more on saying he was just there for Jews first. But sure, look at the rest.

Yeah, that's what I said, that Jesus said to kill Jews: Oh WAIT? No, not what I said. Thanks for misunderstanding so blatantly and so broadly ignoring the many bits on God-mandated genocide in the Bible, and then saying how obviously terrible my faith and reasoning are instead of pointing out the fallacies.

I'm misrepresenting the teachings of Christianity?

Eh, sure, communists and Nazis suck, but they didn't suck because they had beliefs that were too much based on evidence, sound reasoning, and truth-seeking like atheists of Dawkin's persuasion aspire to.

A B2 with a whale's tail? Kinda awesome.

This somehow strikes me a lot like adding bits of Shadow of the Colossus to MH. All the leaping about up walls and collapsing pillars reminds me of the Tiger/Lion fights, not to mention jumping on Rath to stab him.

Yeah, I was really hoping for a sweet hybrid too. I was actually holding off on getting a Kindle 3 until this announcement, to make sure I didn't get near-instant buyers remorse when the next model drops...maybe I'll just end up getting a Kindle 3 if they don't make a new e-ink iteration.