
"If they're so reliant, then get rid of the thing they're relying on"...

Yeah, I suppose the intervening years between us currently and "perfect enough to be always lovable" will probably still have a lot of people not minding the limitations of their "AI" "girlfriends" at all.

The question is: will the AI's "true feelings" matter to the human member of that human-AI pairing in terms of day to day experience?

Oh crap, you're right. It was a Golden Rasberry award for Worst Picture, not the Rotten Tomatoes bit. Many pardons.

Hack and slash...? Oh, okay, reading Wikipedia helps. It does say beat-em-ups led to modern day hack-and-slashes, so I'm not sure there's SO much of a difference now.

I concur. They're mostly single-player nowadays (other than hyper repetitive Dynasty Warriors and its knockoffs), and far more cinematic and combat is more deep, but you do a lot of the same things.

Beat up baddies who appear in each area that often locks you in, beat on a boss, upgrade stuff with money earned and possibly learn new attacks or buy items to heal yourself; rinse and repeat. The same cycle found in games like River City Ransom back in '89 is found in games like Bayonetta today.

Did you read the article? You may have missed these bits:


Well, it's got quite a bit of fat/oils and fairly processed carbs. It should at least hold off starvation as effectively as a bag of potato chips...

Do they ever announce translations at TGS? I'm still itching for a Valkyria Chronicles 3 NA announcement.

The 3DS and PSP need to be more like their predecessors: stocked with a bunch of sweet RPGs. That's all I own on the PSP (well, I guess Patapon is more of a rhythm game, and MGS:PW is more "RPG-flavored" than real RPG, and Monster Hunter leans action game harder than strict RPG, but still), and the vast majority of my

Oh, I don't mean that driving is a right. I mean constitutional rights and how they seem to get bent in DUI laws and cases. Sure, take their privilege to drive, just make sure the way they're processed gets less shady.

Unless you increase patrols or monitor everyone much more invasively, I'm pretty sure making stricter DUI laws won't do much for this sort of thing. They're already a bit shady in terms of rights as it is.

Very nice looking; I've been looking for a semi-drafting style pencil like that, even though I haven't used pencils for much recently. Too bad it's not available on Amazon yet.

They're planning on destroying said European city, and replacing it with their replica, thus starting a subtle infiltration to begin their conquest of Europe.

Duuuude, wrong chant!

Yeah, x-inverts only make sense if you use it to control the camera indepently, then it's like left-stick= you're moving the camera guy to the left to keep your character in the picture while looking to the right, and vice versa.

Maybe the story is that the attempts to utilize the embryos fails, and thus they return to the island for new samples direct from the dinosaurs in a time period that doesn't intermingle with the plot for JP2/3? 20 years later should get them clear of all the movies' time periods.