
Yeah, I was confused at first, as it says the can is found 20 years later. Then I read more closely and realized they'll likely be jumping around in time, from Neema finding it soon after Nedry drops it, and then jumping decades to when the embryos are used for something.

What? Flat out denial of dinosaurs?

Do you mean things like black-ops? Or do you mean more generally, like executions or war?


Well, digesting is basically taking out energy, increasing the entropy/disorder, and absorbing nutrients.

If you're using energy from outside catalysts or sources to do the processing, I assume you could theoretically recycle it indefinitely. As long as that energy/order is restored to the components of your food in the poo, it should continue to nourish you.

I'd assume "legally" implies they'll never be successfully prosecuted for it...

Hm. I thought part of the reason they like to model the heart more directly with heart implants is because the blood vessels are designed for beating hearts and pulsing flows, not a continuous stream.

Did Brotherhood feel like it suffered that much because of multiplayer specifically? The single player game felt a little short, but I'm pretty sure that's only because it was addictive.

Nope. I consider myself a pretty big fan of the Solid games, but I stuck to just reading the basic story (and retconned story) of the first games instead of actually trying them out. I think I tried starting up the emulated versions on Twin Snakes (or something?), but never heard about the NES version sucking this

Yeah, I wasn't sure which character you meant, as some of them have super good aim with guns, or bows, or throwing crap.

Or having a lot of guns and military training?

Glad to help, cheers.

The linked site says:

I think Charlie's reading of Tywin's "rebuke" seems overly optimistic.

Okay, that was a terrible mistake. Nice catch.

That show is such a weird mixup of ecchi-ness and Cartoon Network.

I'd assume no, but I've not heard anything specifically.

The first game was pretty much "stay stealthy to creep up, make a SUPER FLASHY public execution, run like hell from guards".

It should still be in there; I've seen articles talking about how you can assign assassins to lead different hideouts/territories, and a new level limit of 15 for your trainees.