
There of course remains the option of buying outside the app, but the app gets a bit pointless if you don't actually buy anything through it.

Apple sells dev APIs, so that point is moot; devs are already paying Apple for that. Devs are also a huge reason that Apple got its userbase, so that point about them owing Apple is a bit distorted and much more gray than black and white.

It is take it or leave it, I have no particular issue there and it's well within Apple's rights, but the end users don't get anything out of it but higher prices and/or less in-app convenience, or less reselling apps in general.

@ Giggity: No, you're getting it wrong. It's like you were already selling lemonade at Walmart using a stand you purchased from them (dev API, paying part of app selling, etc). Then you start selling lemonade on their property as they've allowed.

Read the article again: this is cutting into things they're selling on the iPad. For some services and products, their costs are currently over 70% of what they're charging, so they'll make no profit or actually lose money with this setup if 30% is going to Apple instead.

Yeah, I think video game violence is still at the point where it can't even compare visually to real/simulated gore.

I just had a dream last night about being trapped in some hotel building with my friends and a bunch of zombies. It ended with me losing track of all my friends, failing to fight off the zombies, and I woke up when I assume I was going to be killed (I have lots of these crappy dreams/nightmares).

Oh, if only US television would pull that off more often.

Great, then the AC2:Brotherhood prices will drop and I can finally pick it up.

Well, I'd think the fact the donor of his eventual organ died at an age where the heart was still viable for transplant means he/she didn't have the happiest of endings, but yeah, I thought the same thing.

@d4rk-h4x0rer: I beg to differ: the utter dullness of the characters in that abomination of a movie was atrocious and fairly inaccurate compared to their cartoon origins. Perhaps it's not as bad as turning Goku into a bullied high school kid, but making Aang boring instead of energetic/happy, Katara a piece of wood,

Well, the vast majority ARE cultured and polite relative to us.

I agree somewhat: his support of teaching Boy Scout skills is hardly techno-phobic.

Yeah, a lot are pale as heck, and that's kinda been the Asian ideal for a while. All sorts of makeup in Asia has "extra whitening" in it, kinda like our toothpastes, and tons of Asian ladies go with longsleeves/face-masks/gloves/umbrellas when in the sun, even here in North America.

It looks like the character for "Tian" in Chinese ("Ten" in Japanese), which means "heaven" or "sky".

I wonder if Spidey feels left out..there are only 3 hexagons on their logo.

I keep clicking on these few-sentence articles because of the new fricking layout, expecting way bigger things based on their titles. Before, I could just read them and move on if I didn't care about comments, and know I'd seen all that was there, but now, I can't read them without loading everything up. Just ugh.

D: "Do you watch Battlestar Galactica?"

Obviously, you play such games during a refractory period. If you want to be good, you can't just practice during game-time!