
@Matt0505: There are at least a few recent luxury car ads that snipe at other brands with similarly themed commercials, portraying other brands owners as brainlessly choosing what others tell them to, showing them all driving white versions of competitors cars. Then a colorful version of their car bursts through or

EDIT: Ugh, went all tangential on you there, my bad. Just mean to say that those kinds of rules were technically nullified, but the Apostle Paul was still specifically against homosexuality after the nullification...so it wouldn't be as easy a leap to null that from what I know of Christianity.

@rebeldevil: If you really believe that homosexuality is going to threaten our existence as a species, I'm thinking you've forgotten we're more worried that we're going to overpopulate the planet far too soon.

@zåɳzißarlegeпȡ: I'd add "Step 1.5: Remake FF5 and FF6 on the 3DS or NGP, or their predecessors" as well as "Step 3.5: Release a new FF Tactics game, or at least something similarly styled."

Alternatively, get a $30 Terralux 220 lumen LED flashlight at Amazon, with a decent but kinda ugly aluminum casing, and running on 2 normal AA batteries (which are included). Way brighter than most hand sized flashlights out there, even most ones with CR123 batteries.

"The North Korean invasion of the U.S. has been delayed by seven days."

@SlashZaku: That would be great, and going by VC2, it is possible if they've already started working (VC2 was released with ~7 months between JP and NA versions).

There's already a Chinese religion/philosophy called Taoism (aka Daoism), whose followers are Taoists...so I'm thinking "Tauism" or "Tauist" is too confusing a moniker for common or spoken use.

@cudthecrud: Ah, I was assuming larger 3rd degree burns, with nothing left of the skin to build on...2nd would make a bit more sense if they're just assisting/accelerating healing rather than building from the "ground" up.

@CoolScreenNamePending: Yeah, I get the technique, I just figured you'd need a lot of cells to start off. They'd grow easier than in a skin sheet (as you don't need to worry as much about nutrition/oxygenation like you would in growing sheets of cells), but you still need numbers, right?

@kyre: Thanks for the info. The Kotaku article on this same video was claiming days to heal rather than Gizmodo's claim of hours, so I wasn't sure if it was just the spraying that takes hours, or the culturing+spraying+actual healing.

Won't they need a few weeks to actually culture the stem cells and let them multiply? I can't see the video at the moment so I'm not sure if they address this.

@Icemael: Hm, that makes me want to try out Lost Planet more.

@Bloodpudding: Possibly. I just figured most game reviewers would know what Monster Hunter is and how it plays, so they'd see/mention parallels in Demon's Souls.

Before I read the text, the title made me imagine a video showing hordes of girls and mothers lining up for a Twilight movie premiere or event in LA.

I got into Monster Hunter after I played Demon's Souls...am I the only one who feels like they're actually quite similar?

I blame Die Hard 2; it clearly shows how an armed terrorist group takes over an airport.

@RAMeyer19: Yeah, not confused as meaning "it's not Metroid", just wondering if that was somehow a different clue, kinda like the intentionally misspelled "baest" for "Altered Beast".