
Barry hearing “do a nice gesture for her and show her more of yourself” translates to “let me make a collage showing off that I like donuts, the word “GOOD,” Metallica, Modern Warfare 3 and other various stuff”

NoHo Hank: “Peep this.” *proceeds to give app every permission imaginable*

I love Noho Hank’s texting style.

Barry at the end there:

If leakers are to be believed, new Infamous and Sly games are in the work from unknown studios; potentially Sucker Punch but there are a few others I could see taking them (I dunno how reliable they are but here’s hoping, I need me a new Sly and Infamous)

Oscer will be proud to see an Ozhead representing true film buff knowledge.

“That idea is offensive to me, because I have a soul.”

“Batman...the only way you can escape your descent into this vat of acid is to download and log into Raid Shadow Legends, one of the biggest mobile role-playing games of 2019. It’s totally free! Currently almost 10 million users have joined Raid over the last six months, and it’s one of the most impressive games in

Afterlove EP’s from the creator of Coffee Talk, I’m in!

One day, Rallisport Challenge 2. One day...

Thorhighheels is gonna be very happy.

I just finished the “How to Build a Fire” ep and it might be my favorite of the whole show so far.

Those were some of the most fun reviews + comment sections I’ve ever read.

“My late friend Walt Whitman said to me, ‘you better put that away, Laszlo.’”

“I’m a one track lover....”

Cena and Robert Patrick reuniting after both were stars of the...classic? 2006 film The Marine.

Five bags of popcorn and a little hobbit keychain.

I loved Sable’s demo, can’t wait for the full thing.

Even though they are just DVD cases with a memory card slot inside, I’m so nostalgic for the PS2 ones and their dark blue color.

Polls like these always show me how many people play the most default ass characters lol