Earthbound 64 is forever fascinating to me.
Earthbound 64 is forever fascinating to me.
Same, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen pretty much this exact post weirdly making things about PS fans before.
Thank you so much for the recommendation, if I never read this I don’t know if I would have become aware of Chicory and I’m LOVING it so far!
I could really use a new Sly game any time now Sony...
After the They’re Coming ARG going from cool mystery immediately into “It’s just Fortnite” and this, we really need an actual good gaming ARG this year lol
When you kinda want to avenge your father but you really want to work through your issues of loss through hours and hours in front of slot machines and toy capsule machines.
Just finished the Sable demo, it’s REALLY good.
The last time I heard this the title ended up being just “Endgame”
Halfway through you crash land on Nirn and the title card THE ELDER SCROLLS VI: STARFIELD pops up
it looks so good HNNGHGHH
Yeah I’m miffed there, the first trailer made it seem like she’d actually be with us for the adventure and this one starts off like “lol nope you really thought”
The Elder Scrolls VI: Starfield does have a kinda nice ring to it.
I’m blown away by it already but now you have me thinking of Part 2 and FFXVI and MMM THEY’RE GONNA LOOK INSANE
Is this what the They’re Coming ARG was for?
Shake the controller to stomp, press X to cry and mash triangle to storm out of the courtroom.
Bummer to see this one go. Outside of the main cast being excellent, the rest was pretty shaky on quality at times (numerous points where the writing got pretty really bad this season IMO), but I still was hopeful it’d get a third season at least.
Yeah like it got super stupid frequently but I was always having a good stupid time watching it.
I feel this, I always have a hard time making different choices in games like this when I’ve found the set I really like.
I saw the headline and was like “SLY COOPER.” and am glad that’s on this.