
lol :\

I disagree. There’s an implied wink and nudge that goes along with “a gentleman never tells.”

I don’t believe “a gentleman never tells” was a better response to an invasive question about what may or may not have happened in an airplane restroom than just not responding at all.

Once she left social media, I was extremely uncomfortable with the amount of people who were willing to brush off the inappropriateness of the original thread by saying, “but he’s fine with it!”

There have already been countless articles about Rosey Blair and her loose understanding of privacy, ethics, and basic respect for boundaries. This didn’t need to be another one. I don’t think I failed to hold Blair accountable. Instead, I was attempting to talk about an angle of this ordeal that many other pieces

She already got free shit from T-Mobile immediately after it went viral. I didn’t know about the plane tickets or job. Yikes. Everything about her is damn thirsty. I’ll include her boyfriend because he was just as happy to eat popcorn next to her during this.

It sounds cheeky, but it’s really just a way of saying, “I won’t comment on that either way,” which is the only way of handling questions like that. If you answer, even to say no, they’ll ask you a question about the next person you’re photographed with, and the next. And the moment you can’t say “no,” that means

I feel so, so sorry for the woman whose act of kindness (giving up her seat) ended up being used as a jump-off point for Blair. Blair has done nothing but try to turn this into internet fame, asking for free plane tickets and a job at Buzzfeed. Listen, it is this simple: don’t fucking photograph someone without their

Wait...so he’s gotten positive vibes, poses shirtless but she is slut shamed? Ugh this world.

This is extremely saddening if true.

Aw, that sucks if your valid conjecture bares out.

Whoa, this is an excellent quote. One I’m sure many women on here can relate to.

So whats the over-under that the “female friend” is geek darling Felicia Day?

I want to believe it’s what you said but I’d say more likely it was just a business decision on his part. He sold the company in 2012, he’s gotten significantly more famous since then so he could probably have more control and make more money by taking his show and starting a new company once his contract with Nerdist

Managed to defy my low battery:

Can anyone who knows the ins and outs explain why he’s no longer at Nerdist and its parent company? Wishful thinking to think they got wise and let him go?

I dont consider ANYONE who talks to rag mags a reliable source.

So, the dirty deets were sold to a tab by petty Priddy for a pretty penny?

Girl needs all the therapy.