
Kotaku Core exists.

that’s not how news works.

He’s been a “friend” since Logan Paul’s vine days... but usually used as the butt of a joke. Very much a “token” capacity, but my guess is he’s in on the “joke” or ok with being used this way....

The Cone of Silence! Damn, beat me to it.

I’m surprised they’re not calling this a terrorist attack,

Only 1,800 feet? Where I live is 3,200 feet ASL and still nothing.

The oddest thing about Darwin Award winners is that they never seem to be able to repeat their victories.

Even when he sees it for himself, he will think of some inane reason why reality doesn’t fit his preconceived notions. “Gotta go higher next time! There was some serious distortion when looking through the canopy.”

If only someone before him had gone higher than 1,800ft to prove or disprove his theory...

Yeah, but he’s not going high enough to see the curvature of the earth. So really he’s stacked his deck. He has no intention of having his theory actually tested. That sounds pretty anti-science to me.

Remember who occupies the White House right now, and recalculate those odds.


Wait, you’re telling me a science denier is planning to blast himself into the atmosphere to disprove something that has been a known fact since at least 300 B.C., and in the process very likely gather a Darwin Award?

Magician! Witch! Kill the Witch!

It’s only Monday, but I’m prepared to give even odds that that is the single dumbest thing I will see or hear anyone say this week.

But what if he’s only doing it for self-promotion and/or -destruction, and keeps his eyes shut the whole time until he splatters across the desert?

I had the same thought. Seems a bit less dangerous to climb a hill.

through the skies above the Mojave Desert ghost town of Amboy at up to 500 miles per hour for roughly one mile, attaining a peak altitude of 1,800 feet

“I know about aerodynamics and fluid dynamics and how things move through the air, about the certain size of rocket nozzles, and thrust,” he added. “But that’s not science, that’s just a formula.”