
Relevant: it was previously confirmed the Vice President would have a speaking spot. So unless things have changed, the future Vice President is one of these names?

FC Golden State

As much as I can appreciate his genuine passion, it still seems telling he was consistently the only man out there to not be linking arms with his teammates... true passion mixed with a tad bit of self absorbed egotism

HAHAHAHAHA fuck Steph Curry and the Warriors!!!

I’m disappointed. If it had the same budget and resources to hire the top talent like Grantland did, it could have truly fulfilled its destiny as the Black Grantland

As a black person who is comfortably conversant in mathematics and who read the Wilbon article earlier and seethed for pretty much exactly the same reasons you outlined in this post, thanks

They switched to a fully episodic game model fairly late in development. They tried to spin it as it provides them a way to continually respond to consumer feedback and improve the game, which it may do, but mainly it allowed them to push the game out before it was fully finished.

Those recommended stories. Seriously?

A victory for common sense

defending racist free speech amounts to racism. or in this case, transphobic free speech amounts to transphobia. it's perfectly clear

bullshit. as someone who always associated the concept of “social justice warrior” as actually being a good thing, I am clearly cognizant of the concept of free speech. That is, you shouldn’t be thrown in jail for expressing your backwards, retrograde views. However, you should also be free to be rightfully criticized


not everyone who uses the Internet is knowledgeable about security and networking protocols

seriously FUCK ads that automatically redirect my page to the App Store. That shit should be illegal

my first reaction

I can play basketball outside, but I can’t play basketball in the NBA in front of an arena of 40,000 people outside

wait, the iPhone 5 screen size is for people with baby hands? Because I always thought the iPhone 6 screen size was for people with gorilla hands (seriously it's so hard to reach that top left corner)

Always a sobering reminder: as much progress as the USA has made with regards to feminism in recent years, so much of the rest of the world is so far behind

he never lost his core belief that only the bad guys deserved it and innocents should be protected at all costs. He was sadistic, sure, but there was always that tortured sense of pure morality shining through.

The Max series nailed the character perfectly. No superheroes, all the depressing reality of a man who kills human scum for a living