
Being sexually propositioned by a thousand idiots on the internet instead of being taken seriously as a gamer is not something that is “pretty easily ignored.”

I think most people would consider that a huge plus.

You mentioned the two things I hate the most: The Chat and how stupidly hard it is to get notified when a stream goes live.

Okay, hold on a second; it seems like you may have read waaay too much into my comment and are arguing against a point I wasn’t making.

They didn’t steal anything. You made an uninformed decision and gave them your money before it was wise to do so.

I never wish ill upon any game developer. They are, at the end of the day, games.

I would never be able to do this. The gaming community is terrifying.

The name is silly, yes, but for it to be comparable, there would have had to been a She-Woman first that he was based around.

Thank goodness sexism in comics is just a product of a bygone era.

Now playing

Please don’t say “my OCD” unless you’ve actually been diagnosed with OCD. Your preference for symmetry or having things that are otherwise satisfying to you aesthetically aren’t OCD; they’re a quirk at best.

Maybe you don’t, but a lot of other people sure seem to!

It shouldn’t, but it does.

Really wanted this to be me... grr! She’s younger than me too!

Why does everyone freak the fuck out when a man is accused (key word) of rape....

It’s not a punitive action. They’re not punishing Kane; they’re protecting their brand.

But why should a huge company have to wait for the potentially years long legal process to conclude before they make a business decision?

This is why you don’t buy season passes without knowing what the actual content is going to be like.

I've started seeing it as well, and I wonder if its in response to exactly this critique?

"The thing about females is... they deserve to be able to walk home alone at night without fear."