Kadaj T. God

If only he had made a swiffer getaway.

“Authorities say he got away clean.”

I worked with a woman who was terrified of birds. I can just imagine her reaction to an emotional support peacock.

They’re emotional support toddlers. If you have them, you need emotional support.

And if an ALABAMA SORORITY thinks you’re too racist...

Q: What do you get when you put $4700 into a $2300 Crown Vic?

I purchased a 2017 Focus RS.

Came in to talk about the Chrysler I once owned...

Nice, well written article in the style of the old Jalopnik I loved. Thank you.

+1 Cadillac-ack-ack-ack-ack

Have cell phones made it to South Carolina yet?

Are we sure “SQU4NCH” isn’t a nod to Samsquantch?

This is only slightly on topic but I had to share. Saw this at the mall the other night, really wanted to talk to the guy but didn’t have time. Probably my favorite of all time.

Wow, you must be AF AF.

thots and prayers


From now on I am starting all of my email corresponces with “Thank you for your kind letter dated XX/XX/XX...”

“Carmax will still be selling them with a warranty, but they will be 25 grand*”

*the warranty, not the RR

I like how there’s a picture of the Pagani on the wall; “This is what it should like like when done.”

Did he apologize afterwards ?