
Was worried I’d have to start taking Xbox seriously now that they bought up all this talent, but thankfully they’re apparently gonna have them make team-based multiplayer action games just like all the other MS studios, so I can continue to ignore the platform.

Hrm...I don’t know. On paper that sounds really cool. In practice...you’d have to record an ungodly amount of dialogue and mo-cap to make this idea workable in any meaningful way. Otherwise, if you’re constantly switching characters, you’re going to start getting a lot of repeats and realize just how shallow and

An Argentine gaucho named Bruno
Said “Fucking is one thing I do know;
now the ladies are fine
and the sheep are divine
but the llama is numero uno”

I feel like this needs to be a note attached to every single one of these workplace harassment stories:

So Trump has had dementia his entire life? I’m not buying that. I’ll stick with the possibility that he is just a fucking idiot.

I mean, if you’ve already bought the games you can still download and play them. You just can’t buy them now. And stores with the physical copies are still selling them so far.

Oh, and Tyrion’s beard is pretty good.  Thick as hell.

That is probably the most animated I can recall seeing him about anything other than a read.  He really did love the show.

He was obviously rooting for Cersei, since she also screwed a brother.

Wow that last question. Damn.

load times actually mater. A lot of game design currently is working around loading zones and texture pop in.  Eliminating that is actually quite interesting from a dev standpoint, and changes how levels and textures are designed. 

Would 100% watch a spinoff just of Bronn and Davos bickering at the small council meetings.

“Oh, Dani? Yeah, she said she was taking the dragon to get some smokes. She’ll be back in a bit but I’m in charge. Cool? Cool.” 

My favourite part when they sent Jon to the Night’s Watch, which has no longer has a reason to exist.

I hope he said something cool as he took the gunman down, like “sorry, son. You just entered a Lowe security area.”

So basically Epic pulled some shady and manipulative trickery and didn’t tell people ahead of time, and then when companies said, “Hold up! We didn’t agree to this!”, Epic tried to paint it as those companies being unreasonable?

this is the stupidest goddamn thing i’ve seen on this website, and I watched the entire video of Barry killing himself with scrambled eggs.  fuck

“dad, I know you meant to say “titties”, those asteriks do nothing”

Yes we would. But we'd say "sorry" after we did it.

How can I reconcile the existence of evil with that of a just and loving God?