It bothers me that this article is borderline glorifying someone who is ultimately nothing more than a gigantic asshole.
It bothers me that this article is borderline glorifying someone who is ultimately nothing more than a gigantic asshole.
The super simple answer is that it’s a digital receipt. It’s proof that you own something.
I love the decision. There’s no reason everything needs to be a trilogy just because that happens to be a common literary/media device.
General, another settlement space station needs our help!
There is so little reason for an Xbox to exist.
“That’s great work, just great work everybody! Really proud of all of you! Now GTFO, you’re all fired.”
That first flying enemy gave me some trouble, too. I was nervous that it was a sign of things to come, but once you level up a bit, nothing’s quite that hard again (at least, nothing felt that artificially hard).
Seriously doubt anyone is gonna be able to answer that for you.
If you wanted to make a game that gave the player perspective regarding urban combat, yet not make any real-world political commentary, then why the hell would you choose to recreate a real - and extremely controversial - war?
“We’ll bang, OK?”
That’s kinda like running a marathon, and then having someone question your effort because you aren’t willing to run an extra 5 miles for basically no reason.
It was pretty clearly written tongue-in-cheek.
If that wasn’t the inspiration for the character, it’s one helluva coincidence.
[insert Futurama “I’m shocked” .gif here]
A week after its logic-defying surge began, GameStop stock is still holding strong, despite more shenanigans and goofy twists, closing at $325 today. That’s higher than Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft.
Busy cashing that $33k signing bonus check, presumably.
“Dildopunk 2077" kinda has a nice, catchy ring to it.
The reason [we didn’t show the game on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One] is that we were updating the game on last-gen consoles until the very last minute, and we thought we’d make it in time,” Iwiński said. “Unfortunately, this resulted in giving it to reviewers just one day before the release, which was definitely too…