“I’m tired of casual sex and beheadings”
“I’m tired of casual sex and beheadings”
There is no bigger condemnation of a man’s character than to be endorsed by Jason Whitlock.
Time for MLB to join the 21st century and stop allowing pitchers to retaliate. I’m a Braves fan, but this “you hit my guy, I’ll throw 94 at yours” shit is so archaic.
Now this is truly the best martial art to use in a street fight.
Definitely either her or Serena. Hard to argue definitively for one or the other, though.
I haven’t yet, but I’ve been considering joining specifically for Emerson’s stuff too. Been reading him since he started at the Macon Telegraph. Always really good.
Really wish Butler would’ve just responded to Wade with, “WELL DAMN!!”
Where’s all the concept art of women with large breasts and virtually no clothing posing seductively in my helicopter, damnit?
I’m sure Matt Ryan would say something about how Jalen Ramsey is a great teammate to all his fellow Jaguars and he’s looking forward to competing against him in the future. BURNED!
Keith Hernandez? You mean that guy from Seinfeld?
Him posting that video saying you can look for more instances is like a serial killer getting caught for one murder and telling the cops, “It was an accident! You can look in that freezer over there where I keep all the other bodies. Let me know if you find anything!”
These seemingly ridiculous issues have become so contentious, I don’t see any way there isn’t a strike when the CBA runs out. Players and teams/owners have gotten so far apart on so many different things recently.
Acuna or Big Al, who ya got?
No one tell Big Al.
The “first phase” is the ONLY phase of a deadlift. There’s no eccentric phase of a deadlift. Watch a powerlifting competition. The lift is judged complete at the top. There’s no slow lowering of the bar. A controlled drop, yes, but not a slow lowering.
According to the article, the guy taking the film is his trainer. It’s pretty standard for anyone serious about powerlifting to film their lifts in order to review form and correct motion pathways. Not at all surprising that a personal training would be filming his client’s deadlifts to review with him later.
letting it drop bypasses half of the exercise
that said i agree with the ‘polite noise’ part, but would enforce that on all lifters
It drives me batshit crazy when people complain about dropping deadlifts. It’s called a “deadlift” (as opposed to “deadlift-and-lower”) for a reason. There’s no eccentric phase in a deadlift. It’s entirely concentric: completed at the top.
Not intentional? What, like his fingers slipped on the keyboard and he accidentally hit Ctrl-c/Ctrl-v for a bunch of reviews while simultaneously changing a few words here and there?