Kacey Devoria

Well that’s kind of the point isn’t it? The entire show is a metaphor for teenage sexual angst and that just because you love someone doesn’t mean you can connect on a physical level. It hits you with oblique sexuality while still getting across a really interesting point you don’t see a lot in anime.

As a fan of trigger and mecha in general I agree with you 100%.

So when can we expect the article whining about this game being sexist?

You are 100% right about the show. My wife and I started watching it for the silly premise, and were pleasantly surprised to find that it’s actually a great show. It gets more hilarious and ridiculous with each episodes, and is very much self-aware as you said. It reminded me a lot of Kill la Kill, where fan service

I love how Kotaku writers keep making posts about things they hate.

I enjoyed it. It takes the butt battle stuff super serious. if you are down with the premise and like over the top its a fun series.

If you remove all the ecchiness out of the show it’s still a fun comedy.

“These Portuguese Keijo fans are proof that, even though anime is trash, fandoms have the power to turn trash into treasure.”

That is freaking awesome. :D

Personally, I think this is pretty great; fighting to push others from a floating platform is a common water game for all ages, and these fans pretty much substracted the sleazyness/sexism (revealing swimsuits, over the top fanservice) and made it into a fun, competitive water sport.*

I bet Tina Belcher approves.

On a closely related note: we can’t really win, can we? If they’ve got boobs out, people just moan about sexy art and how it’s evil; if they used to and now don’t, people moan about censorship and how it’s evil. When do we get to the part where we all accept that everyone has their own creative licence and just accept

I think you need to take a chill pill and realize what you’re missing here is that not every anime is trying to be the next Fullmetal Alchemist. This is a simple slice of life comedy anime thats gotten extremely popular because people enjoy the fun characters, interactions, and silly scenarios in each episode. This

I’ve never seen this anime series. And I’m not sure it’s for me, BUT:

I read through your article and whilst it was well crafted, I don’t think it does what you were aiming to do, as it did not stop me from watching the anime to which the topic was centered on. Without going into much detail, I enjoyed it and thought it was pretty decent. But I digress, as there are two things I’d like

You sound like an asshole on most of the article, if something makes people happy and is not making anyone else miserable let them enjoy their giraffe porn simulator or whatever it is. Sometimes people just need to have a bit of their kinks in some safe way, why judge so vehemently. Might as well blow your top

After reading your Keijo article, I had commented that it made me want to check it out. I wasn’t disappointed in any of it. I’ve moved on to Cowboy Bebop and Dragonball Z. Thanks for unintentionally sparking in me an interest with anime.

there’s nothing inherently wrong with fan service. quit slut shaming dragon girls you victorian mussolini. jesus. just cause it’s not for you doesn’t mean it’s “problematic”.

I would say all of you miss the point of the show.
You can’t divorce the show from the boobs, they are a fun aspect of the that help give it it’s lighthearted charm.  

Few people are watching this for sexy big boobs but the show would be less without them.
This is not pin up sexy, this is tongue in cheek funny sexy.

This article reads more like a soapbox Tumblr post to voice your disdain than anything else. Thought you were better than this, Cecilia.