Kacey Devoria

I’m not a fan of out of place fan service. If I’m watching a bad ass anime like Attack on Titan or Code Geass and someone falls over and shows their panties, it takes me out of the experience. I also dislike tropey fan service. I will bear it if the rest of the show is good enough, but every time I see a boy/man

I don’t know how to say anything without contradicting myself and crossing the streams. So here goes nothing:

I feel like it is really out of place with some shows. Everything is deathly serious and mature - then a naked cat girl shows up to quip for 1min - then back to serious and mature. WTF? Or the token big

My thing is, first, I kind of view it as a genre, just like magical girl anime or fighting or whatever. It isn’t meant for everyone, it’s aimed at a particular demograph. So maybe it’s not your thing. That’s cool, doesn’t have to be but neither does its existence have to be a problem either.

I’ve been watching anime for as long as i can remember. I think the earliest examples of fan service i can remember are watching shows on Toonami like Dragon Ball, Outlaw Star and Tenchi Universe. Eventually Toonami went away and Adult Swim was the place to watch with shows like Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Lupin the 3rd

Personally I really enjoy fanservice, for the most part. I particularly love it when an anime goes whole hog and makes it a central plot point (Senran Kagura, Keijo, Monster Musume, etc). When you arent worried about prudish sensibilities and actually have fun with the world you create, its makes the anime more

“Do you seek it out? Avoid it?”

My wife and I love fan service when it’s funny and over-the-top (see Kill la Kill, Keijo!!!!!, or Girls Bravo). You’re not supposed to take those shows seriously, because the fan service is done in hilarious ways. It doesn’t distract from the characters because the show and characters are built around fan service. It

Why would I care about fictional content from another country? I watch the stuff that interests me but to each their own. I’m not going to take issues with fictional material as it is not real.

I think the whole question is framed wrong. Fan service and the sexual themes described in this article aren’t exactly the same thing. 

As long as it’s not loli or shota and well animated I welcome any and all fanservice.

High School Of The Dead

It tries to make you feel for characters in a zombie apocalypse, but then shoves fanservice down your throat in each episode. Which gets to borderline hentai in some parts. That’s the kind of fanservice I can’t stand.

Fanservice is good in doses when it’s not the main focus of anime. Using it to


It doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I don’t seek it out, neither do I avoid it. I look at it for what it is; part of another cultures media that I enjoy.