
From the excerpts provided, I would expect that Gottlieb’s piece was written around about 1980. Cartland, Steele? Most contemporaries focus on marrying ‘the boss?’ It appears that he felt that he could authoritatively write about an entire genre based on assumptions from popular culture and reading a couple of books

They don’t give a shit about abortions or babies. It’s all about punishing those slutty slut women for the fucking apple. Having sex must result in a baby or they don’t get their punishment.

His opposition is hilarious when you consider that men’s inability to be empathic and sympathetic as well as the outright refusal to adjust to a modern workforce that is predominantly about care giving are exactly why their unemployed asses are getting left behind and women are taking over.

You mean you don’t remember that famous line of the Gettysburg Address? “ It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take the red pill to understand the cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that

Ashley Judd used to do movies where she was sexy and naked; now she’s all about feminism. THAT’s why a certain segment of the population hates her. They liked jerking it to her picture; how dare she ruin that by talkin’ and stuff?

Little know fact, back in the 1960s and 70s, men actually had tiny turkey brains so any time they showered there was always a risk that they would look up at the showerhead and open their mouths, thereby drowning in the process. Because women were too smart to do this, it was actually imperative they every man had a

The thing that amazes me about this, like Cosby, is everyone knew this. Most people here in the comments knew this. There were jokes on mainstream network sitcoms about this.

Damn. He IS foine. I want to deny it but I just can’t.

The length of labor doesn’t really matter - it’s whether there’s fetal distress. The lawsuit claims that the patient wasn’t told that she needed a c-section because of danger to the baby, but rather because of the doctor’s timeline.

I think it’s notable that even the medical chart didn’t document any clear distress:

he doesn’t want a partner - he wants an accessory, a bauble, a thing he can look at other people and say, look at this thing that i have and you don’t. 

/patpat I know what you meant.

It’s terrible that these abortions happen but that’s the price of freedom.

I’m a woman so clearly I have no right to voice my opinion on the average man, I’m so verrrrry sorry I offended you.

I really hate the world right now. What the average man considers rape is being held a gunpoint and forcing your dick inside someone..... everything else is a “ Gray area”.... so a woman saying stop or throwing bottles at saying NO doesn’t count as rape, inserting yourself inside someone while they’re passed out by a

No amount of legislation will prevent a woman hellbent on getting her hands on an abortion from getting an abortion.

How timely.

I was unaware of that.