
Congratulations* on their long relationship!

Everyone is entitled to a chance I guess

pfffft... jfk was never assasinated... all a big hoax... just like the moon landing

Rogelio triumphantly pulling the wig off and telling Fabian to say hello to his grandmother was a Top 10 Rogelio moment. For a while there I wasn’t sure why the previouslies made a point of bringing up the existence of Fabian’s grandmother.

See, but it’s acting. Which means it is pretend. He doesn’t have a baby with that woman in real life, but if those two people procreated, the kid would be biracial. See, it’s all pretend.

Any self-respecting parent of a preschooler knows that when you’re reciting e.e. cummings, you have to change the words just a teensy bit for maximum bonding power, i.e.:
i carry your fart

I have a pin of this.

The most populous parts of the state are blue. It’s a swing state.

No it isn’t. Where do you get your research?

A neighbor told me once, as we were standing at the bus stop, that she was writing a book, a sort of oral history of women and their experiences being abused or molested. Not the grotesque cases, like Ariel Castro, but the “everyday grotesque” — a young girl being groped by her doctor, a 16 year old having her dad’s


I am delighted every single time someone does something to remind me that it’s Chris Evans in this movie. Thank you!

Anyone just have this experience?

STOP IT! She wasn’t done! <tears> LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! <sobs>

Nothing against Britney: this is totally cute.

This is lovely and I can’t hate on it because the world is terrible right now and Britney is a gem. Also I wear two sports bra that are supposedly “super supportive” to work out in because it is like sports bra companies have actually never seen boobs before.

i just found this and had to share. she can’t even look like she’s having fun.

As horrifying as those clips are, I can’t get over how bad her extensions were.

no one will come out and say it, but i have a feeling a lot of this is based on those out of season white heels she’s always wearing.

A racist, sexist, ignoramus with early-onset dementia gets elected President of the United States.