
Class act, nicely conceded.

I NEED the scary stories this year. There’s got to be something more horrifying than reality.

You’re right, I bow to your greater knowledge.

I really like it, makes me feel like everyone has become at least a marginally better person. Even famous people I hate like LeBron James. I think Trump may be a genius, eventually he will do something to outrage every single American, little by little, and in the end bring us all together and unite us again. God

Honestly this is why I’ve never hated her that much. She said countless times her dad taught her to give. That’s why she gives a lot of her income to charity. She’s not evil just vapid.

Petty theory: I bet Kim Kardshian fans have donated more $$$ than Trump supporters to the Puerto Rico catastrophe.

The dumb show before it is The Good Place and it’s amazing.

They aren’t roommates, they are basically family. I would rather have someone who knows me around than be alone all the time. I need someone to kvetch to and blame when I don’t want to do stuff with you. Omg, I sooo want to hang but my roommate is really sick and.....

Sort of creepily nestling up against a person without being obvious about it, like when trying to flirt with someone at a bar/party. It’s generally not good.

Not American nor English, so what is “sidles”?

Yeah, but it links their legacies together forever. He becomes a footnote on her wikipedia page, she becomes one on his. People who, maybe decades from now, visit her tomb will see his name next to hers and think “huh, so were they like, a thing?” It implies a connection they never had, that he was more legendary than

Humbled and awed am I by the seed of great wisdom in your alchemical utterances TamTams: they marry flights of delicious ecstasy to logic crisp as whetted glass. I can only bow before you and whisper: but what of the embalming fluid?

She hath traveled beyond the veil, he hath traveled after her. Her earth-bound shell preserved for all time in it’s dank cell. His lifeless frame will eternally molder mere steps away.

But what a husk

Came here to say the exact same thing! That asshole can fuck off! Kim Cattrall is known for Mannequin!

TamTams, where is your poetic soul? Your ethereal warp and weft through the strings that symbolically bind us all regardless of time and space? Your gaze upon distant shores in which the first love that stirred your heart is ever vivified in simmering embers? Your most lucid dreams that spirit you to the fourth

Joe DiMaggio beat her.

Because they don’t want to. The right to choose extends past abortion, people! Don’t worry about other women’s wombs or eggs (in this case).

As someone trying to adopt, it’s way fucking harder to do that than to do IVF or use a surrogate. And then you have to make tough choices about what risks you’re going to take on...heroin-exposed baby? Grandma has schizophrenia? Mom screened positive for amphetamines but says she just took Sudafed?

Big Trouble in little China, anyone?