
without exceptions or conditions; absolute; unqualified and unconditional: a categorical denial.

That doesn't matter. She clearly dissented at one point and Louie didn't relent. That's rape.

Did no one else see the sex scene as categorically rape? That was fucked up. I'm truly disappointed.

As an introverted guy whose looks are about 4/10 any day, I don't relate to her POV at all, because it implies that she somehow deserves happiness. Nobody deserves happiness; not me, not her, and not Louie. And her thinking she does is some Elliot Rodger shit. Nobody should be venting about shit like that, shit that

everyone reading this needs to listen to U Talkin' U2 to Me?, adam scott aukerman's podcast where they exclusively discuss u2

come on people, everyone who's seen the opening knows that game of thrones takes place inside a huge sphere with a star at its center! get with the program!


just goes to show you that pop hits value "Quantity" over quality

surely "WOMP" will be one of the more influential words of the 2010's

good quantity, m.A.A.d nigga

i like the idea that rapping in its purest form somehow brings out the anger and rebellion of even the dean

when they bleeped out "i'm c*ming, i'm c*ming" i fucking lost it

how the fuck is no one even addressing the fact that tim and eric are in this episode

girls should be louie

i've heard "what do you call a muslim in the cockpit of a plane? the pilot"

you know how some people get bitten by a dog as a child and as a result are afraid of dogs as an adult? erik adams was bitten by exposition as a child

i laughed harder at the title reveal of "fat dad, dirty house: the curse of cassandra" than i have at maybe anything else in this show

you mean Next season on True Detective

spoiler alert: the bartender is the Yellow King

right but maggie up to that point was the furthest thing from walter white on this show. it wasn't consistent with what we previously understood about maggie