
david burton is the man from the bridge from season 2

with no features

"Sara Gilbert commended him for his 'bravery' in 'putting [his] soul out there' when so many of his cowardly critics plainly don’t."

go bing yourself

Alexa scene was the most blatant product placement since Kevin Spacey said "Is that a PS Vita?" in House of Cards season 1

gummer gets the worst writing on the show. when she said the guy who shot himself "erased his history"… jesus christ.

exactly! we gain no new understanding of anything from this new knowledge. everything is exactly the same; it's a TWIST moment with no actual change

it was masturbatory

i literally had a vasovagal episode on the subway just watching the needle scene

it became annoying to me. like "how many recognizable songs can we put in here? how many until we're Prestige TV?"

but he disappeared and appeared there instantaneously? that's not something people can just do

the word can't send Eugene to hell. they firmly established with Jesse's experimenting on Cassidy in that one scene a few episodes back that the word can't give people the power to do things they couldn't already do. Cassidy wasn't able to name the governor of Texas because he didn't already know it, and he wasn't

i mean, i haven't read the comic, and i'm still annoyed about that, mostly because they firmly established with Jesse's experimenting on Cassidy in that one scene a few episodes back that the word can't give people the power to do things they couldn't already do. Cassidy wasn't able to name the governor of Texas

right but that doesn't mean it isn't shitty storytelling

i hoped against hope that the showrunners wouldn't pull bullshit like this

i got a bunch of big brown dogs barking at Walda's backdoor, you know what i'm sayin?

thank you! no one else seems to be saying this. i think the show is still maintaining its "this might be spiritual and it might not" thing just as strongly as it ever has. this isn't "proof" of anything.

why is it so absolutely supernatural? why can't it be a dream?

come on, people. this could just as plausibly have all been the dream of an oxygen-starved brain. why is everyone reacting like this is conclusive proof that there is a spiritual component here? we've seen a lot of stuff on this show that is clearly all in Kevin Garvey's head; why is this suddenly the be-all and
