
i don't think so; nic pizzolatto isn't trying to trick us. if rust had killed his daughter we would've found out by now, probably from him during the dinner scene

what i meant was that if audrey had been over 18, marty would have nothing legally on those men. the narrative changes if the audience thinks audrey wasn't complicit and that those men violently forced themselves upon her; marty's rage becomes much more righteous

no, rust absolutely has agency, it's just that i might not expect better from him when i definitely would from maggie. also, yeah, he was pretty drunk; the scene opens with him waving a flashlight and shining it through antlers.

i agree, and that's what i said before. what i was trying to make clear to the OP is that those men did not force themselves on audrey in any sort of sense besides that which is determined by her age. i think the original commenter thought that the men forced themselves on audrey, which they did not; if an audience

but if she was actually regretful after having sex with rust, she wouldn't have immediately confronted marty with her infidelity, because without that step, their (rust's and marty's) relationship wouldn't have to be sacrificed. i get that she felt guilty in the immediate aftermath; i don't think she felt regret,

not assault, audrey was consenting; it was stat. rape because she was not of age to consent

forgiveness for what, though? what has he done that's harmed anyone innocent?

does anyone else feel like lots of the respect they had for maggie dissipated as soon as she drew rust (a bystander, at least as related to her marriage) into her plan? yes, he went along with it until he realized afterward why it had happened, but it's not about his actions (we already know he's deeply problematic),

thought a pulp fiction reference would be apropos

i kind of doubt his business actually went under, and he's definitely not working as a carpenter's apprentice. marnie is an unreliable narrator.

i just think their familial ties show that shosh really doesn't belong in the group and is only there due to an approximation of nepotism

poor beatrix recently viewed the film "Poltergeist" and is now afraid of her television screen


she was also pretty mean

"mean Miss Hannigan" was a bit redundant

kanye west

with his man ass, the ritual is complete

lots of summary executions in this episode. goddamn

comedy bangbros dot com

odds are he worked on this in some capacity