
the hulk turn green when the rays get gamma is my favorite one i think


what i meant was dawkins preaches scientific truths most of the time (evolution-related stuff)

"i wouldn't really do that. i'm not a psycho." best line yet

not a dawkins fan because he's needlessly an asshole and he's changing exactly zero minds with his approach, but in fairness, he preaches about things that are provable

but rust never claims he doesn't have his ego. he knows he's just as problematic as anybody else, but the difference is that he can see it and he has no pretenses. he's seen his own programming, but he's powerless to change it, and he realizes that; i doubt he believes in free will (which i hope the show gets to at

i mean, that wouldn't happen much though, because generally intelligent people breed intelligent offspring and vice versa

"He confuses his own experiences as some kind of proof of his theories when they very well may be simply an extension of them." when does he do this? when he talks about theories he rarely if every relates anecdotal evidence, as that would destroy his own argument because it's based on either hard science

where did it address that? i'm wondering if i didn't read it that way. i love the subjectivity of this show and how it's not really about whether or not the show is aware, but about whether the individual audience member is

i think, like most of the philosophy of this show, we're supposed to filter it through our own unique prism of experience and come out with both an understanding of the objective character and an understanding of our subjective view of him. that's what makes this show so fucking good in the first place

i mean, they're with the kids too. i don't really see how it could be inappropriate if marty wasn't so insecure about his standing already. most people that were secure in their marriage i don't think would give it a second thought; maggie sure didn't

that's why i posted this. i love how excited she was about it on twitter and instagram. it made me love the sketch even more.


as walter killed and then became gus, kenny killed and then became guy.

definitely re: ghost jon. it comes out of nowhere, they don't acknowledge it, and then right when you've forgotten it happened, they acknowledge it in the best way possible.

my biggest gripe is that chelsea peretti was so criminally underused. you had one of the fastest rising stars in hollywood and you didn't give her anything to do!

he was out of makeup on tim and eric awesome show, great job! as the dark man in the episode "crows"

not to mention ashley schaeffer's deus ex machina turn as a slave master

guy saying "look at me" was cold as fuck. he was so in the moment. goddamn

i literally thought it was a cardboard cutout until he turned his head