
Bitching about Italian stereotyping is so... whenever the Sopranos was still airing.

a nice darker purple, less lavender.

I say the same thing to myself since my Lego knowledge is based on my husband.

I love that haircut/wig. Little tendrils. :)

you ARE the best

i don't think he's gonna be Kristin Chenowith's boyfriend for long with that crappy attitude.

Are you dipping your foot into evolutionary psychology and the like?

It especially ruins rape! STUPID RAPE-RUINERS!!!

Wow. You must get your feminism talking points from Valerie Solanas. Even women don't do that.

The logistics of toy stores and how much thought goes into the color of boxes, signs, etc. doesn't provide an equal footing to give people a chance to choose between. In the toy stores of a lot of stores, Lego Friends is separated by at least an aisle if not TWO from the rest of Lego (aka boys lego since the

There's willing to buy it and then whether they're given the opportunity to buy it or not. I have nothing but speculation to prove it but the subconscious guiding of the eye and pathway of a person does a lot to a consumer's experience.

Agreed. But everything from brick color selection to box color to aisle placement in stores to end cap promotion, little paper things that stand out in aisles, etc. are targeting different genders and then (perhaps accidentally) rejecting any crossover appeal.

There are. Look at the Lego Friends example.

I'd blame research and marketing more than the little lady wench.

Husband gets all these different little boxes to sort legos with. I think he's past the leaving legos on the ground stage because that would REALLY suck

Good man! My husband is the fan. And yeah... over a hundred of the collectible minifigs are staring down at me as I type.

I'd say only the female head is defined.