Sex and the City came to mind regarding the blogging aspect of it (instead of writing a news column).
Sex and the City came to mind regarding the blogging aspect of it (instead of writing a news column).
I think the best way to strive for social reform on a global scale is to definitely get catty over a fucking hastag.
This is, in all sincerity, one of the most aggressively obnoxious and off-putting articles that I have read in a very long time. The entire tone of the article is just amazingly obnoxious.
Can Rich find a new job already? His takes are getting unbearable.
They mentioned multiple times in the video that Fulmer primarily fucked over his own family. If they want to keep their jobs and the jobs of their employees’ they needed to address the issue.
Agreed. Fulmer did a bad thing and potentially fucked over their entire team, ruined multiple friendships, and made a fool of his wife who was also their good friend. The video’s tone and message were perfect. Rich is just being a piece of shit because he wants to seem edgy.
Fuck you Rich. The remaining TryGuys did everything pretty much perfectly, right down to hiring a human resources consultant immediately out of the gate, and not sweeping anything under the rug. They also did their best to protect Alex from the shitty misogyny that will inevitably levelled at her.
I honestly think having it be a competition show might have hurt it. I might tune in to a good vegan/vegetarian cooking show, but competition shows aren’t really good for learning. You don’t get recipes or detailed walk-throughs of what the contestants are doing and why. If I’m a parent with picky kids, I’m not likely…
Oh wow, it was a competition show? When they reported this series (pre-launch) on the takeout it sounded like it was going to be a cooking show. Competition shows can be borderline impossible to use since they would need to document and share the recipes.
It may not be clear-cut. If a person is to become an organ donor, they’re often kept on some kinds of life support to keep their organs viable. I assume other types of life support got switched off (or switched off temporarily) to allow her to pass away.
Steve Martin dated Anne Heche for a couple of years and then she got together with Ellen DeGeneres. Martin not so graciously included a character in Bowfinger based on Heche, who is promiscuous and desperate for stardom, and ends up with a barely veiled DeGeneres stand-in. This character is hard to watch knowing how…
Damn I never even realized that was her.
Drugs detected on a toxicology screen probably aren’t by themselves the problem. Anything illicit in her system besides THC would have long since metabolized and likely been completely excreted. The issue is that... certain infections tend to be present in a higher frequency anongst people who abuse drugs. Now, to…
The Meaden and Inaba tributes show the very fine line non-family members are going to have to walk in memorializing her. Her deteriorating health largely pushed this aside in the media, but had she lived, she probably would have been going to prison, or at a minimum facing a long, heavily-publicized trial with a…
She was so good in Cedar Rapids. Underrated, hilarious little movie and she stole every scene she was in.
Interesting take on it. I know I was among the people who suspected she might be up to no good when we first met her, but always understood both sides in their adult conflict. One seriously wronged the other, the other made efforts to make amends and was rejected. Seemed messy but relatable to me, but ymmv.
They made the mistake of introducing her having seriously screwed up the hugely popular Lin’s life and seemingly having no regrets about it. Then her situation in Season 4 was a lot more sympathetic.
Wait, everyone hated Suyin at first? I enjoyed the character, and pound for pound she had the best fight/actions scenes in the series (I think she was in something like 5 to 7 fight/action scenes, and they were all great). And Anne Heche’s warm and wizened vocal performance really sold the hippie Renaissance woman…
A tragic death under tragic circumstances. It’s a miracle no one else was hurt in the car accident. Even if she was at fault (via driving OUI), she paid the ultimate price--giving her a ton of posthumous shit is a little pointless, not to mention tasteless. RIP.