
Each break in the story was a "calm down commenters, calm down." The woman knows us... SHE KNOWS US.

Isn't that a universal rule?

Love how it's not a normal smiley face or a winky face but a full on commercial style open mouth winky face!

Anyway, don't stop reading now and start posting angry comments about this guy and his misconceptions, because you need to see what happens next.


I do a different pronunciation of Chiwetel Ejiofor in my head each time I read it.

Adapted screenplay will be a secure win for 12 years a slave. That's the one area that GGs don't separate and it always irks me.

Re: not being surprised hfpa didn't get it. That's one of the reasons I THOUGHT it would win. I couldn't quite put it into words last night but you did. I thought they would see past some of the American weirdness regarding dealing with race issues in movies and reward it. I also forgot the Hollywood importance of the


Yeah. Def better than David O. Russell winning. Though I bet when I watch American Hustle I'll take part of that back. Though not all of it. A guy can't yell at Lily Tomlin like that and not leave some people with a grudge.

you obviously don't understand that the true angle of the "c" in Jensen Ackles' name belongs at a 90 degree angle and slightly elongated by fancy schmancy computers to form the much more pleasant to the eye "n" in Ankles.

Ooh, good point.

Good point. A google search reminded me that Dallas Buyers Club was the film McConaughey lost all the weight for. I can see it winning for the acting based on award season tropes alone though I'm sure the performances are amazing.


One film shouldn't win all the awards unless it's deserving. American Hustle took most of the film awards even though it's only three and separated from drama. The spread of director, screenplay, and drama actors makes me think it was a tight race in some categories.

Oh, Burt? The list's order is kinda confusing. I'm guessing it's in opposite chronological order but the back and forth from tv to movie to movie made for tv is hard to follow especially with how shotgun the awards are spread out.

I gotta see American Hustle and Dallas Buyers Club because I don't see how it's possible for these to win awards that 12 Years a Slave rightfully should have won (both quality and buzz-wise).

I have friends who are a part of ChUC and they couldn't be prouder of her. Glad an awesome lady has an awesome fiancee as well.

Married to a Wisconsin-er and a cheese lover in my own right.