Lock Trump Up

How does it feel to defend an ignorant, racist piece of scum?

Did we also deliver some fucking X-Wings to the Finnish air force?

You laugh now, but wait until he authorizes a trillion dollars to build actual F-52's for Norway, just so he can call articles like this Fake News.

God, this guy is such a fucking idiot...

You mean Suckabee didn’t insist that Trump was correct and those fictional fighter jets are totally real and have been given to Norway totally out of the goodness of his heart?

She looks like she’s about to call 911 because she saw a Black man jogging

If American politics were a TV show, we’ve hit the Jump The Shark moment where the Republicans have become mustache twirling villains who are too fucking stupid to be believable characters.

The wailing spirit of Roger Ailes will manifest himself to Mr Hannity on Christmas Eve to tell him he is now suffering in the afterlife for his lifetime of corrupting the poltical discource of this once-great land. He’ll inform Hannity that the ghosts of America Past, Present and Future will visit him that very night

Prices were riding at a faster rate before Obama care. Obamacare actually did something to slow the price rise. For some reason people have forgotten what was happening before Obamacare was put in place.

“dead eyed churchbitch”

In all fairness, I get it. The electoral college was designed so that the people couldn’t get swayed by some shitty, racist demagogue whose popularity depends on making a lot of promises to a lot of people that sound great but are fundamentally unworkable - instead a group of wise elders would take all that into

They couldn’t conceive of one. Particularly not in the sense of one-person/one-vote applied universally, regardless of: wealth (land ownership specifically), biological sex at birth, race, age, sexual orientation and gender identity, political affiliation, religion, willingness not to advance peculiar ideas which

Nah, they got it right.

Yeah that leftist slant like, “there’s a tape of trump saying he likes to just grab women by the pussy” or “Roy Moore has been accused by someone of being a pedopile and his denial was weak”, or “the majority of the tax cuts go to the most wealthy” or “ there is no empirical evidence that trickle down economics works,

No more press core! But keep the press corps! FACTS!!!

Seriously. They should have sat there with a look of, “Don’t try this shit with me!” on their faces.

Co-sign, they should’ve walked the fuck out of the room with a look of scorn right after she said it.

The Press Corps need to put their collective foot down on ridiculousness like this exercise. This administration needs attention like a fire needs oxygen. Tell this dead eyed churchbitch to cram walnuts for a few days and see how fast they’d be done with childish bullying nonsense.

God I hate SHS. I hate her so much. She’s just so dumb. She’s sooooo unqualified. Her stupid air of superiority makes my insides melt due to the fiery hot rage it induces as my brain screams to be let to skip to a different reality where those tasked with public speaking know how to speak publicly. Where presidents

Well Trump is mentally fit for kindergarten. Maybe she was just using the same tactics she uses while dealing with him?