Lock Trump Up

Remember the New Jersey governor who got busted and outed for being gay and giving his secret gay lover a plum government role? His wife was sooooo pissed. Like cat in a bath tub mad and I think it’s cuz she lived in self imposed bubble of forced ignorance and it got popped painfully and publicly. This here marriage

They are fucking miserable so they want to make everyone else fucking miserable. Fuck.

The only behavior Republicans oppose is being a Democrat. It’s more a cult than an ideology or a morality.

“there needs to be some serious action and repentance coming from Goodman’s direction to atone for that.”

If not she’s waiting to kick 100% of his ass when he gets home.

I Hear you Derply, but keep in mind that this is one of those legislators who are determined to keep homosexuality in the closet no matter it hurts... even the kids. Fuck him. I feel nothing. This isn’t tragedy....tragedy involves a person of greatness importance who can not overcome his (usually his) or her hubris.

Wait until somebody important gets caught. Like if Moore looses AL, and right afterwards some other senator gets caught blowing some other man in a bus station, they will try their hardest to flock to his support to keep that 1 seat edge. Especially if their tax bill is at risk.

Dead girl or live boy. That’s the Third Rail of Republican politics.

Sounds like interchangeable parts would’ve made things a whole lot easier for Mr. Goodman.

Im just going to assume every single male politician out here fighting against LGBT rights is homosexual at this point. The self hatred in these types is on steroids

We shouldn’t judge Roy Moore too harshly, he was only taking advice from Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty. Wait, never mind.

Seems to run in the Nazi family, superior genes and all.

It’s in case someone needed to actually do anything with the baby other than push the stroller. Ivanka ain’t wiping no mouth spit.

Agree totally. Aside from being an abject failure as a businessman, (I live in NJ, so I know all about his failed casino ventures) he has no finesse, can’t read social cues, or ignores them if he does, and is a complete and pernicious disaster diplomatically.


You can be positive that Xi Jinping, Shinzo Abe and numerous other leaders will be coached by the best profilers money can buy, before they sit down with the President of the United States. They’ll have a detailed psych profile of Trump worked up and kept up to date. They probably hold some mock negotiations with

Trump is easier to play than a fiddle.

I’m surprised Ivanka let her walk that close behind her. I would think they would mandate the help had to stay out of photo range.

Student Politics. All the racism, sexism, backstabbing, and power plays of regular politics but with absolutely none of the power.