Lock Trump Up

Irrelevant what he personally makes, because when he talked about his son, he was crystal clear that he wasn’t talking about his own situation, rather the “there but for the grace of god go I” of those who could not afford the kind of treatment his son needed, and none of whom likely have a network talk show on which

...and rather than just say “I GOT MINE!” he actually uses his position of visibility and influence to try to improve things for people who do not make $10M a year.

Kimmel’s political turn ramped up last year when his son was born with a congenital heart defect, a condition that might not have been covered by insurance under the pre-Affordable Care Act system—meaning it could’ve essentially been a death sentence.

Put picture of Melania next to it so that you never lose your character. How she looks at herself in the mirror I’ll never know.

I’m going to put that picture on the front of my fridge to jump start my diet.

I’m actually just guessing he’s going to keep endlessly ‘working to reveal the truth’. Just keep pushing that narrative of tantalizing evidence and a really good story if you only knew the truth.

A piece of shit abusing other people using the court system? Who else does that?

Bill O’Reilly is looking for the truth like O.J. is searching for the real killers.

This giant sack of hot air has been going on and on about how “he’s working on bringing out the truth” regarding his firing from Fox News. Saying that he can’t say what exactly is going on but that “it will all come out” soon enough. I’m betting that’s what this is about. He’s going to somehow try and blame his ex

It only pays 1:1.

While we’re discussing this, though, who is “the whole white house”? Any educated guesses? Or is it pretty much just Trump himself?

You know what causes this, right? Her family tree looks like a holiday wreath.

I can’t wait for Trump to try and discredit Omarosa by saying she’s just a reality show star, because literally irony no longer exists in TrumpUSA..

I can’t look away from the clone-stamped nightmare that is Omarosa’s left shoulder. Is her flesh eating her shirt?

“....because that’s when his body by KFC kicks in.”..

*I desperately rush to the ticket window with bundles of loose dollar bills in my hands*

“I’m putting all of this on Hope Hicks!”

She’s trying to shade hope hicks. She means hope hicks. Everyone knows it, just say it, Omarossa, you think hope hicks is slut.

Well, I wasn’t going to eat lunch today anyway, so. Hope Hicks.

GOP would give daycare to guns if they could.

I think he looks like his own ventriloquist dummy.