
Question in 2nd paragraph answered in 1st: Pitch Black was better; make that movie again



Wait, those were 51 unique characters? Goddammit, Cheung!

It has been marking time for a while to set up the event, but I've enjoyed the anthology nature of the various stories. With a huge team, I think it works better to see small groups doing different things each week rather than seeing Cap rally the team to beat HYDRA for the 1000th time.

To be accurate, Terry Crews's parents based him on Luke Cage.

Yep. Vote with your wallets, people!

It should be "next"…

Weird; Dowd's PC must've auto-corrected "empty" to "edgy"

Well, we know there's a quirky/bitchy best friend…

I concur.

"As I suggested in the previous review, this assumption that characters
tell the truth is really just a necessity of world-building"

This is not the comity that was suggested by their divorce party announcements


Is this the first recorded instance in pop culture of someone using "Batman" as an adjective or verb?

Two great episodes that really show off how talented the cast is and how they ground this crazy stuff so well; Browder in particular really kills it as the titular Crichtons.

Is Chastain the female Brad Pitt? I swear she's eating something in nearly every scene she's in

I've always hated this "classic" but if the AV Club gives it a C+, it must be a masterpiece. Take my money, Criterion!

Gotta hand it to the reviewer, though, showing the patience of Job (G.O.B.?) walking him through the whole thing

Hold on…he's explaining that situation comedies with aggressive network oversight and flawed premises are unsuccessful and painful to both work for and consume? It that what he's saying?