
She's evolving as an individual

No more Captain Kirk chit-chat

No clue. He's definitely the most observant ignorant person I can think of. Probably a semi-sheltered upbringing meshed with his intense focus on the world of comedy and comedy-related stuff.

Crap, I think I deleted most of them (I had a list for each episode) but I still have

When I was still a YMIW listener, I started making a list of "Things Pete Holmes Doesn't Know That Are Accepted Common Knowledge" but quit when I passed 50 lines

If more Zhaan-centrism means more epidoses like "Dream a Little Dream", then let's all thank the Goddess the show didn't go that way

Mitchell; even his *name* says "Is that a beer?"

It's not for me to sayyyyyy

Next week: Pizza and margarita shooters, anyone?


YES! Wonderfalls coverage!

Oh Jesus God no

*whispers* "Did you mean to write George Michael?"

This movie looks like a "movie" that you'd see in a movie.

Yay! Mr. Rosso!

Yeah, this is all good data cause AD was a huge success the day after it premiered

Risky! Risky! Risky!

Is this referring to something that *was* on the podcast a few weeks ago when he referred to how Sony had begun an "unofficial channels" attempt to have him return, ostensibly to sweeten the re-up deal with NBC and then immediately denying it ever happened when they got a new season? Because he was pretty dismissive

Ditto. Check out her first movie, The Freebie, for a great dramatic performance by her.

Great show. Great reviews.