
A pleasant distraction, nonetheless. I've told my girlfriend, "I love you, I want to be with you forever, but if you were claimed by some tragic accident, I would STEP OVER your body to get to her".

I mean, the show's just left the rails at this point, right? I'm still watching, but mainly to see Maslany put on an acting clinic.

Favorite new show. A nice bit of writing with Southern Protestant Tawny struggling to elucidate the Catholic concept of absolution

Should've. It was a great show.

Ambitious? Hardly.


Wait, I'm not the only person that hates Millar! I'm not alone! Oh thank you, Lord!

Heart sank when I saw the name Nora Zehetner. Not great; just not very good.

Yah, WTH? It felt like the show was really trying to clear him with his (seeming) sincerity with the lupus story but I don't believe they've satisfyingly explained who he was on the phone with.


You're crazy. This was way better than the last episode and a return to form. Please God, let it be cancelled and go out with some dignity.


Yes. Leckie is totally Mr. Joshua in this instance.

I was disappointed in it as a standalone movie but I did really enjoy it in a "more stuff that's happening in this shared universe" kind of way.

I get it! They're both in a theater!

Good. There are way more intriguing endeavors in life than writing 4 paragraphs on "New Girl" every week..

Trust them; they know what they're doing

Sooooo good and, frankly, so much better than last week, like night and day different.

Holy fucking shit, Gatiss writes terrible episodes; I see these A ratings and feel around for my bottle of crazy pills. His contributions are consistently the new series's low points. Seeing Ike1 and other commenters echo that sentiment gives me hope but he's definitely never leaving the show as long as Moffatt's