
This is a satisfyingly small number of comments for such a test pattern of a show

Jothee! Jotheeeeeeeeeeee

Total Reaganing


This won't help much but I know there was a high(er) quality version that found it's way to 'net a few years ago that was *way* better than the 128kbps that leaked in 2005. I was pretty happy to be able to swap my old files out for the new, essentially record-quality ones. Brion must have the master tapes lying around

EFG is still one of my favorite episodes and is the main reason I got into the show at all (when I caught it and the other first 5 on an afternoon SciFi marathon in 1999).What set it apart from similar sci-fi fare immediately was that the conflicts weren't going to be solved easily and certainly not just because the

Don't care. Hated it.

"no one comes in and demands you make a better
James Bond film than Skyfall"

OH SHIT. Here we go!

Answer to title question? No. Both of these series are lighter-than-air in terms of character development and laying ongoing stakes for the future. Bendis is doing his usual style-over-substance shtick in Uncanny, while Aaron is simply dumping every puerile thing he doodles in the margins of his notepad into WatXM.

Her skin bubbled.

The show is limping towards to the end but I thought most of this one landed. Surely it deserves something in the B range.

Ah, Rabin. Time has not diluted thy obliviousness.

More like "The Illustrated History of the Taint".

"Again, if Continuum is going to work as a show, then Kiera really
has to remain in 2012. But for Kiera to work as a character, it has to
be just as clear that she doesn’t accept being stranded, that she is
desperate to get back to the world she knows and the people she loves."

Still better than "Post-Modern Prometheus".

Thank God I have an excuse to hate him now for his political rabble-rousing instead of his mediocre music


A thousand times no.

I say, if you love the show, enjoy it, but it's definitely not a candidate for weekly reviews. It's a mess, generally poorly acted and poorly written and infallibly predictable. I think a major overhaul in the second season that refines what exactly Liber8 wants to accomplish and how, along with a commitment by the