
The parenthetical was meant to represent the accusations we often face, not an endorsement of stereotypes.

Likely a combo of the fear of making a scene (women are so emotional/irrational/melodramatic) and the fear that the man will become hostile if not violent.

Many professors don't teach during the summer. I can't speak for everyone, but when I'm not teaching, I'm not checking my email daily (or honestly even weekly). At the beginning and end of every semester, our inboxes get filled with administrative emails. Your professors aren't lazy—they just aren't going to be

Definitely contact/ask the professors. I’m an adjunct at a community college and generally pissed off about textbook prices (I have basically no control over my course books other than making our citation guide optionalish).

The community college where I teach is doing this, but they’ve listed the books for my class in the most confusing way possible. And jacked up the price on one.

But that’s how I watch Sailor Moon Crystal ;__;

I’m an adult with two settings:

The need for a stylist who listens is why I’ve been putting off getting a haircut. I’m lazy and hate getting up early, so I can’t do anything that needs more effort than “brushed hair at stoplights.” People who do hair have a hard time believing I'm this awful even when they can tell how long I go between haircuts.

My boyfriend uses the manliest products of all: free shit from hotels, the kind that costs like $1, and whatever was already in my shower

He’s tiny, but as long as he's eating and playing he's doing fine. If he's gross, you can wash him with Dawn dish soap (like an oil spill animal). Just dry him off completely.

If his eyes are still blue, he’s probably ~1 month old. At that age they’re ready to transition to kitten food with KMR or meat-only baby food mixed with wet food. You can also leave out dry kitten food for him to start trying. That he has an appetite is great!

Kroger will sometimes send me coupons for fresh produce and their brand of frozen vegetables (these are targeted coupons, so you do have to buy things semi-regularly).

This has been haunting me since having dinner with my boyfriend’s cousins. BF and I were the only ones without kids, so I spent an hour bored as hell and terrified of losing my identity to motherhood. (I'm not even attempting to be pregnant—just not doing super great on my new hbc)

I hope your shitty friend changes her mind and does the right thing

“Be tall and just let everyone assume you’re wearing heels"

There’s also the fact that plenty of decent guys have the male equivalent of this social programming. My boyfriend likes opening doors and paying for things. As heteronormative patriarchal bullshit goes, this is pretty benign. Plus when I drive, I open the passenger door for him (I have sometimes refused to let him

I'm starting an extended cycle pill, and I asked my doctor how I'd know if I got pregnant while on it. He mimed an expanding stomach.

“And still others argue that menstruation is a natural bodily function that indicates whether or not your reproductive system is working.”

Wear him out! If my kitten wants to play, he either interrupts what I’m doing or gets into mischief, so I’ve found it’s easier to just stop what I’m doing and play with him (then go back to it once he’s asleep).

I had so many dudes complain that I must’ve lied about my height or must be wearing heels because they claimed to be 5'10" and I showed up actually 5'7" and change. Man oh man, do shorter than average guys get miffed when you’re not wearing heels.