
Read all of them. They only get more ridiculous and disturbing!

Are these damn kids today no longer convinced that if you have unprotected sex you'll get AIDS and die?

Was it The Miracle of Life? I think every student, male and female, vowed never to have children and possibly to never have sex the day we saw that video. Oh, for those innocent days when we passed around the fake breast and testicle to practice checking for lumps!

I would say as long as you're doing *something*, you're okay. I'm an adjunct English teacher, so I can't really take anybody else to task for poor career choices, but I've also done a lot of volunteer work during leaner times (and to make sure there was something on my resume).

I would say as long as you're doing *something*, you're okay. I'm an adjunct English teacher, so I can't really take anybody else to task for poor career choices, but I've also done a lot of volunteer work during leaner times (and to make sure there was something on my resume).

I have incredibly stereotypical PMS. I get irrationally angry, I cry for no reason, and I attempt to eat my weight in candy and/or Cheez-Its.

I am a wizard of filth, friend only to the pig and the rat.

Looking up some stats, over half of women who have an abortion plan to have children later, so aren't we really only "missing" 25-30 million people?

I don't know, the "courtship" always seemed pretty crazy to me. No physical contact and only being able to hang out with each other's crazy, gigantic families? Yeah, those sound like conditions under which you can tell if you want to marry someone.

One of the schools where I adjunct sent out an email that last Wednesday was Wear Pink for Breast Cancer.

I trick potential mates by wearing contact lenses. That's right, normals, I'm walking around, secretly carrying my inferior genes!

Have you tried colored mascara? As a hazel, I mix it up with shadows and sometimes purple/teal eyeliner, but I always use green mascara now. I like to think it transforms me from Muddy Brown to Legit Green.

It's so ironic that when I think of the word feminine or feminist I picture these images in my mind of beautiful women that are very submissive and feminine and lady like, you know the way real women are supposed to be!...But these stupid feminists people are so manly looking and acting! I bet they even have hairy

Generally. I haven't had kids, but I've got stretch marks in a variety of places.

I do not want a promiscuous slut, I want a normal, decent, good hearted girlfriend.

I'm sorry, I know this is the least horrible aspect of his rant, but logic demands I ask:

"Friends can be great resources when it comes to dating advice, but at a certain point, they can get tired of hearing about your issues and just tell you what you want to hear rather than give you the advice you really need,"

Worse, my Facebook Perfect Boyfriend squad posts these things while they are doing them with the perfect boyfriend. This drives me up the wall since I feel like I'm on the verge of annoying all my friends by talking about my new gentleman caller, but when I'm actually with him I have no desire to inform the internet

Thanks for the info!

.by the way, the ones I bought had this rigid silicon/plastic "frame" or ring thing, and we found out the hard way that a condom rubbing against that will burst. Don't know if the other brands are made the same way, but I think it's an important FYI!