
Look, we've all done the shit and run at one time or another, but can we ease off on the air freshener? The only thing worse than the bathroom smelling like shit is the bathroom smelling like chemical flowers and shit.

So, have these guys never heard of No Shave Once It's Too Cold To Go Barelegged?

No, see, then the GOP would start screaming about personal liberty and how "forcing" people to get IDs is like something out of 1984.

If you've returned multiple items in a short period of time you may have to show ID, and I have had to show ID when returning an item before. I don't know how common it actually is, but sometimes it does happen.

Shanna (AKA Sassy Pants) is a Richmond SPCA kitten currently in foster care. I've been coming in on Fridays to help feed and socialize her.

...like how every charter school is an individual entity and thus charter schools cannot be assessed as one entire homogeneous group? And that attempting to view a group of individuals as if they were all representative of a non-existent consensus would produce incoherent results?

I was born in the early 80's. I think we had the disgusting slide show, but the main point was that if you had unprotected sex, you would get AIDS and die. I mean, you could get pregnant, but then your baby would be born with AIDS, and it would also die.

My cat is my little sweetheart. She also enjoys killing whatever small animals she can find in the yard. A few weeks ago she brought a live lizard into the house. Not to teach me how to hunt—I think she just wanted to finish it off in the air conditioning.

Back when I was still working on my thesis, I vowed that if anyone asked me about grad school, I would show them this chart I made instead of actually working on my thesis that day.

The Romney children have probably watched Sesame Street, but they don't *need* it. I watched Sesame Street, but I also had parents willing to tape my favorite segments and write the counter number on the label so they could quickly fast forward to the one I wanted to watch (kids, this is what "video on demand" was

Looney Tunes: Back in Action is a pretty enjoyable movie. No, I wouldn't have paid to see it in theaters (and didn't), but it's a good $5 DVD to throw in on a rainy afternoon.

Before the 2004 election I might have believed her. Oh, those innocent days!

This is why I'm not willing to consider getting married for economic reasons. Or becoming deranged spinsters with a trusted friend(s).

I'd speculate that part of the problem is that Native American is not a single, all encompassing culture any more than European is (My ancestry's European so I can only speculate). It'd be like pairing lederhosen with a beret and an Elizabethan ruff and calling it "white inspired." Except, of course, there's no

I'm having the shittiest week at work (believe me, I know it's only Tuesday), so I'm not sure if I should feel glad that at least I'm not building cardboard playgrounds for my cat or if I should feel worse because I can't even build my cat anything to play with while I'm miserable at my morning job.

We need to tell our kids that all success requires hard work. My (adult) students complain and moan about having to read a chapter in their text book or write a full page. It didn't even occur to them to read their research papers once through before turning them in!

They're kittens who'd crawl in their food and crawl on each other. Wiping them with a damp washcloth did nothing.

As much as I've been mourning my lost youth this birthday, I'm so glad I no longer feel feelings the way I did when I was in high school/undergrad.

Ahh, but those are the very things that can make it difficult to get your point across (or make your reader bail because they've decided that it's not worth trying to understand you or they assume you're an idiot). Readers are lazy, and nobody should know that better than people who don't think English class matters.

When drying them off and wrapping them in a towel, do you gently rock them?