
I may have been caught singing a song about how nobody likes whiny butts to a shelter kitten, but I think that's pretty important for all cats to learn.

That kid would never have survived Simone Christmas. Never react until you've seen what's inside the box.

School lunches usually have a base price with certain items/extras costing more. Your lunches may have started at $2.50-$3, but ended up being around $5 by the time you got chips or other sides.

There's also the issue of what happens if your severely disabled child outlives you. My brother-in-law's uncle is a person with Down Syndrome, and he's been living in a home since his parents passed away.

I turned 31 ten days ago, and I've found myself avoiding saying my age when before I didn't really care as much about telling people I was 30.

But it's worth a try, right?

Yeah, I think including that makes one part of the problem.

Mmmm, donuts....

As an American, I also assumed it was because of stereotype that cops eat lots of donuts. And until today, the only slang usage I knew of was driving your car in a circle and the ass-pillow for people with hemorrhoids.

I've seen some who were former child beauty queens. Which is probably just a different ring of Living Vicariously Through Your Child Hell.

People saying "Oh my gosh" drives me up the wall.

Is that a lot?

Kirk would probably just give them the old "We don't use money in the Federation" line. Hey, if it works on whale biologists, it probably works on your bastard kids from some hick planet!

My cat's hate and jealousy keeps me from adopting any more.

Aww. Mine came with ear mites. I think she sneezed in my face because she's a brat.

How old is she now? Sometimes it takes awhile for them to get the crazies out. If she didn't have siblings, she might still be learning that bites and scratches hurt (since she wouldn't have had anyone to play fight with).

Our foster care coordinator has said that a bathroom is fine or, for cats who just need to be away from the shelter for health reasons, a big carrier.

"[A]nd sneezed on me" takes me back. As a kitten, Zoot S. Riot would walk over and sneeze in my face.

Foster! It lets you see how a cat will interact with your family and, even if you don't adopt them, it gives the adult cats a break from the shelter. At some shelters, there's a discounted adoption fee if you adopt your foster, and sometimes there are specials for pets who've been at the shelter for awhile.

All the cuts are patented? So, when somebody cuts a stone, do they have to pay for the rights to that cut? Is there copyright infringement of gemstone designs? This is way more interesting than angles!