
I despise hoverers. Public bathrooms wouldn't be filthy if you didn't pee all over the seat! Just sit your ass down.

These names are already big at the Richmond SPCA. I've seen at least two cats named Cersei, a Cinna, and a Prim. And looking on Petango, I've discovered a Hey, Girl! Yes, with the comma and exclamation point.

I hate stuff like this because my name is frequently mispronounced.

The only thing I hate more than beginning a statement/post with "I'm sorry, but" is ending it with some variation of "Just my opinion." Either own your jackassery or shut up.

Almost 31 and haven't been able to afford to rent or buy in years. The job search has started to pick up, but it's not looking good for a full-time job with benefits. Or even a full-time job.

Kill the mother! Oh, I know, I know...if you kill the mother, then the fetus will die too. But the fetus is going to die anyway, so why not let it go down with the ship?

Yeah sorry, but it is all about appearance. This is all about appearance. Whenever a heavy man is with a hot woman, you can almost guarantee her looks are the reason that relationship exists. This does not make men evil or anything, but it does show how men do not play fair. If most women could care less about a

You've just reminded me that (at least where I live now) no car/no license is a huge dealbreaker—even with friends. It's such a pain in the ass having to drive someone around when you know they will never reciprocate. And I always seem to encounter the ones who never even offer to throw me a few bucks for gas.

Remember when they confiscated all that potentially lethal shampoo...and donated it to a homeless shelter?

Based on a Twitter comment somebody else posted, it looks like they're pretending it never happened.

Uhh, encouragement would probably work better. I usually enjoyed science (except for the more math-intense fields) and wanted to take AP Biology in high school. A guidance counselor talked me out of it. She said it was very difficult and there was no point in me taking it based on what I wanted to study in college.

Every discussion I have heard about encouraging reluctant readers has assumed that all reluctant readers are male. And usually includes the "fact" that male readers cannot possibly be expected to care about anything that might be considered even slightly feminine.

My parents worked at a restaurant/bar in Durham around this time. They'd get a lot of Ricers sneaking away from the program to eat something other than rice.

You don't sound silly; you're right. If you child had a different father or if she'd been conceived at a different time, she'd be a completely different person.

The cat I had growing up frequently hunted and left his kills near a door. Sometimes intact, but often as anatomy lesson. I remember one time I came home from college, and the next morning there was a dead chipmunk on the back deck.

I've heard that most predators don't consider humans delicious. The tiger may have learned that humans bring food. Or it was considering hunting the most dangerous game of all for amusement.

It's not even a risk of hunger—as a sign of love and trust, my cat will sit on my lap and knead my leg or arm as she purrs contentedly. Since she's small, this is just uncomfortable and can leave me with little marks on my skin (even through clothes sometimes). Bigger cats seriously hurt people without meaning to (I

I say this as someone who loves cats: you are out of your damn mind if you want a larger version of an animal that kills whether it's hungry or not, will hunt pretty much anything smaller than it, considers kneading and headbutting a sign of affection, is social but lacks a strict pack mentality, and, along with sharp

Maybe I've only dated jerks, but I feel like the normal response to digging in someone else's pocket for change would be, "What the hell's wrong with you?" not "What a deliciously sexy ruse!" Especially since it would end with, "I don't really need any money, and now you have a public boner."

I think Batgirl is usually more of an independent contractor or a franchisee than a sidekick.