
I've never had a full time job with benefits. I've got a B.A., a teaching license, and a brand new master's degree, and my job search hasn't been going well. I managed to get interviews for potential summer jobs, but no offers.

Start a dummy account for your family members. It helps you avoid "But why wouldn't you want to friend [child you're related to]?" conversations.

Male dominant/female submissive is much more common. To the extent where some practitioners assume there are no real female dominants and that such women are just waiting for the right dom to come along. (See also why my time in my local kink community was extremely limited.)

After you take a shower, hang up your wrinkled clothes in the bathroom. The steam will magically get rid of the wrinkles.

Every other day I'm getting emails about multiple kittens needing foster homes at the shelter I volunteer for. I have a weekly shift in the kitten nursery (basically daycare for people who'd like to take bottle babies but have to work), but I still feel horrible that I can't take any fosters until I know my summer

Whene'er I inquire as to whether or not a dog bears some Pomeranian heritage, I am not sincerely curious as my sister owns two of that stubborn, lively breed, but because I hope they shall be forced to admit a lesser pedigree or, worse, no pedigree at all and thus be publicly shamed by consorting with an inferior

Kris10 says it's a Whohoots by Applause.

We found it in the Virginia Science Musuem's gift shop. I guess magic pink owls are...science? I can ask her what the brand name is.

My sister loves owls. For Christmas last year I made her a hot pink owl bag. Last weekend we gave her a pink owl toy that makes a musical sound when you hug it. She's got owls on pretty much anything you can get owls on.

Things that do not make good pets: any animal that you're only buying/adopting because you saw it in a movie.

Do you know what the "skin" of the We Touch is like? For example, if I set it down on the bed, am I going to be horrified by what's stuck to it when I pick it up again?

I also think my favorite is on its last legs, so if I'm going to need a replacement soon anyway, now's probably a good time to rationalize an upgrade.

Can somebody recommend a rechargeable vibrator that isn't ridiculously expensive and is clit-focused? I'm sick of buying batteries, and my g-spot is a lazy freeloader.

Mine is going to be 7 in a few months, and she'll sometimes do it on my forearms.

Not only is my mother partially responsible for my disordered eating, but she nearly killed my sister's dog with overfeeding and she's currently projecting her issues on my cat.

Yeah, I'm kind of suspicious of someone who thinks of animals as "trapped in [their] bodies" because they can't speak.

Yeah, that bugged me too. I can see the value of learning what animals might do with technology, but they don't need an iPad to communicate. Pets and their owners have to learn how to communicate, and a lot of that is the human learning feline or canine language.

They served a wedding cake. After all this shit about how marriage is a special, sacred, magical thing that should only be between one man and one woman.

I am going to print out this thread and show it to the next person who questions my spinsterhood.

Ugh, I'd forgotten that our options are either not enough hours to live on or worked to death.